Well this is just awkward

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*Honey's pov*

"Hey Tamaki."


"Do the girls seem to be acting weird to you."

"Yeah why?"

"I don't know. Should we do something."

"Yeah. Meet me here in two hours and we'll figure it out."


* Tamaki's pov *

I sat in psychology class trying to figure out why the girls were acting so weird. Unfortunately, none of they girls were in here. I had a feeling that they were hiding something from us but why?

*Kyouya's pov*

I was thinking about my next class after lunch when I saw Tamaki thinking deeply. Oh no I thought. This couldn't be good. Something must be wrong. "Tamaki?"


"Is something wrong."

"Kind of."


"The girls are acting strange."

"Hmm that does seem troubling."


"Lets go find everyone else."

*Hikaru's pov*

I was eating lunch with Kauro as usual. The girls weren't here yet. I jumped when I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was Tamaki. "dude! What did you do that for."


"You know! Tap me on the shoulder."

"Oh. yeah sorry."

"It's ok. So what did you need."

"I need your guys help." Kauro heard him and turned around.

"With what Tamaki."

"The girls are acting strange."


"Follow me outside. We are going to try to figure out why."


*Kauro's pov*

Supposedly the girls were acting weird. I wondered why. I was the first one to notice any changes. Tamaki said that he thinks that they're hiding something. Are they. I hope not.

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