The Martial Arts Tournament ( Part Three)

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I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Yuki's Pov

The boys events went by so fast. It's now time for the girls events. I put on my gear and waited on the side line. ' Good luck Yuki.' said my mother patting me on the back. ' Yeah.....thanks.' I said. The she handed my a piece of paper. ' This is the girls match up...........and I want to warn you about two of the best fighters under this event.' she said pointing over to a girl with long black hair and the other has orange short hair. ' Who are they???' I asked.

' The girl with black hair is Ayame Cifer and the one with orange hair is Riku Kurosaki. They are both national level fighters the same as'll have a little problem with the match'll have to fight one of them in the semi finals or finals so be prepared.' she said. ' Or the better thing will happen.......that they face off each other and I only need to face one of them.' I said. ' Yeah......but look at the match up.......' she said pointing to the names in the list. ' You're in Block A, Ayame is in Block B while Riku is in Block'll be facing one of them in the semi finals........' she said. ' Who are their coaches???' I asked..

' Well.......the coaches didn't teach them much.......but it was their parents......' she said. ' You know them???' I asked. ' Sure I do.......I consider them as family too.........both parents from both families are my friends........I think they are around here......' she said looking around. ' Well.......before that you have to focus on your matches ahead.' she said. ' Good luck.' said my father. ' Yeah.......thanks for the information.' I said preparing for the match. They walked over and sat down and started to watch the match.

Aisha's Pov

Both of us continued to watch the match. Yuki was doing great in the competition. She is slowing moving towards the champion of Block A. Then someone patted my shoulder. ' Hey's been awhile.....why are you here???' asked Ichigo. ' Well......we're here to watch our daughter's match.' said Renji. ' Hey Aisha.' said Rukia. ' Rukia!!!???Even you are here???' I asked. ' I know I don't like watching this but I have to see my daughter win.' she said.

' Which one is your daughter???' he asked. I pointed towards the girl that was fighting right now. ' She looks a lot like you.....' he said. ' See......I told you so.' she said. ' Did you meet her before???' I asked. ' Oh.......I forgot to tell you......' said Renji explaining everything. ' Oh......I see.' I said. Then someone else surprised me. ' Aisha.......' said Ulquiorra. ' Aisha???' said someone popping out from behind him. ' Orihime???' I asked looking at her. ' Hello Orihime.' said Ichigo.' Ichigo and Rukia........why are you all here???' she asked.

I told them why we were here. ' Oh........we are all here for the same thing.' she said. ' Well......all parents would be happy to see their child happy.' I said. ' did you know that we would be here???' asked Ichigo. ' Who do I know that their last names are Kurosaki and Cifer.' I said. ' did you know our children???' asked Ulquiorra. I explained that I was teaching every school but my main school is Seirin. ' Oh......that's how......' he said. ' Well......why don't watch them fight.' I asked. We all sat together and watch the matches.

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