The Master Plan Revealed

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I hope you enjoy this chapter

Aisha's Pov

During their time in the first match, I was with the others in the demon realm. We were at the place where the doors are but now they are gone. ' How did the door disappeared????' asked Fujimaru in surprised. ' No.....the door is still here.........but you can't see it.......' I said looking at it. ' What are you talking about????' asked Mizuko. I touched the door and it appeared right in front of their eyes. ' How could you see something that we can't????' asked Fujimaru. ' HAHAHA!!!!Looks like you're finally here........' said a voice. ' Who's there????' asked Renji almost drawing his sword. ' Dodge!' I said jumping back. We all jumped back and an attack came down on us. If we didn't dodge it, we were screwed. ' Hm????This is can sense my attacks without me noticing you do it.......' it said. ' This is something that I can do........' I said as we head out of the forest.

' You are not out of the woods yet.......' it said to himself. We headed out of the forest and headed into town. ' Looks like it is as busy as usual.......' said Renji looking around. Then a girl grabbed my arm and I looked at her. ' It's been awhile!' said a woman wearing a kimono. ' that you?????' I asked. ' Bingo!' she said. ' Why are you here????Shouldn't you be in the village right now????' I asked. ' Well.....I'm working I come to town every day......' she said pointing at the inn. ' Okay.......but where's Hiroaki????' I asked. ' Well.......' she said. ' There he is......' said Renji pointing at him. ' What is he doing????' I asked. ' He's always like this..........always with other girls.' said Kazu. ' Aren't you angry???' asked Mizuko. ' A little.....' she said. ' Then it will be my pleasure.......' I said walking towards him. ' Hey's been......' before he finished I dragged him towards Kazu and threw him to the ground.

' Why did you do that to him????' asked the girl who was with him. ' Is this your problem???' I asked. ' Wait a minute.......' she said when she realized who I was. ' I'm sorry!' she said kneeling to the ground. ' Don't worry about it........and did I tell you that this man is married???' I asked. ' What!!!???' she asked looking at him in surprised. ' Hey!!!' said Hiroaki. ' You are a two timing bastard!' she said slapping him and leaving after that. ' Damn.......can't you stick with one woman????' asked Renji. ' Well.......' he said. ' If you upset Kazu in anyway.........' I said. ' O--okay!!!' he said sweating a lot. ' Aisha.....there is no need to do something like that......' said Kazu. ''re a family of mine......and I'll step up for them no matter what.' I said. ' Huh......that's way my sister wanted to follow in your footsteps........' said Kazu. ' Well......I not even a role model..........' I said. ' No.....your words are inspiring.......but I can't change his personality.....' she said. ' Sorry......' said Hiroaki.

' What!!???' asked Kazu in surprised. ' I......can change......but it's hard......' he said. ' Don't worry about it.......if you want to change.........stay that way.....and you'll change in no time......' I said. Then we all heard demons running and screaming. ' What's going on???' asked Kazu. ' You guys all hide........we'll take care of this.......' I said drawing my sword. ' Alright......let's hide here......' said Hiroaki dragging her into the inn. Then shadow version of demons came towards the town. ' Looks like those are all shadow demons........but how are we going to fight them????' asked Mizuko. ' By doing exorcism on them......making them physical touchable.......' I said pulling out some talismans. ' Alright better have our backs in this......' said Mizuko drawing her sword. ' Die you shadow beings......' I said throwing the talismans. The hit the demons and they became physically touchable. ' That's a little bit better!' said Renji slicing the demon in half.

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