My Intense Training With My Mother

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I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Rei's Pov

Once I got into the forest, I felt like someone was following me. I stopped on the branch on a tree and I looked around. Then something came behind me and I blocked the attack. Then I was surprised to who it was. ' Aomine........' I said knocking him back and slashing him in half. ' ARGH!' he said disappearing into the fog. ' You are weak.......' said a voice coming out of the forest. ' Who are you???' I asked looking around. ' Your dark side.......' it said. ' Why are you toying with me???' I asked. ' hate being alone right????it's time to eat your own medicine........' it said snapping her fingers. I was again dropped into eternal darkness and I landed hard on the ground. ' Man......that was a hard fall.......' I said getting up. Then I looked around and I was trapped in endless darkness. ' Okina......can you hear me???' I asked but no one answered me. ' Okina!!???' I asked looking around and still no one answered me.

' It's alright........I'm not alone.......I don't need to be afraid anymore.......' I said sitting down. ' This not going to control me.......I'm going to control it!' I said meditating. Then I felt like the scenery was changing in front of me. When I opened my eyes, I was in front of a waterfall. The roaring of the waterfall and the cool air is calming. ' got through my trap........dammit......' it said disappearing. ' Are you okay????I couldn't speak or hear you.......' said Okina. ' Don't was one of their test........and I got out fine.......' I said. ' I'm glad.......but your journey hasn't all have to meet at the end of the forest.......' she said. ' Alright! Let's get the show on the road!!!' I said heading deeper into the forest.

Sasuke's Pov

I got through the forest quiet easily then I thought. ' This is getting a little weirder.........' I said looking around. ' Be on your guard.......' said Jingo. ' I know.......' I said. Then I continued to move on and the scenery started to change. ' Be careful......there is something here and it's coming fast.......' said Jingo. ' I know.......' I said looking around. Then something dropped from the sky. I walked over to it and I was shocked to see what or who it was. ' Jasmine........' I said. ' IT'S A TRAP BASTARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' said Jingo yelling his throat out. A piece of log came down on me but I dodged away in time. ' Thanks Jin......I owe you one.......' I said getting up. ' You're an IDIOT when it comes to the woman you care for.......' he said. ' How did you know it was a trap???' I asked. ' was abnormal for SOMETHING TO DROP FROM THE SKY DON'T YOU THINK????????' he asked sounding more pissed off. ' Sorry......' I said.

' Sigh......don't be......' he said. ' Then let's go.........there is nothing here to......' before I could finish something came behind me and tried to stab me. I knocked it to the side and I looked at my attacker. It was the body moving on it's own. ' HAHHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!Seeing the look on your face!!!!It was priceless!!!!!!!!!' said a voice laughing in the forest. ' Dammit......who are you???' I asked looking around. ' Sigh......he's going a little bit overboard........' said Jingo. ' Do you know him Jingo????' I asked. ' Of course........he's your inner self.....the dark self that is trying to fight you right now......' he said. ' We have to continue on then......' I said. ' better get out of there......wait what am I thinking!!!???' he asked. ' What do you mean???' I asked. ' You can't have to fight! Don't coward over things like this!' he said. ' Alright......stay calm......' I said closing my eyes. The thing attacked me and it immediately disappeared. ' NOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!' said the voice disappearing. ' You did it!' he said. ' Then let's go......I think Yuki's already there.......' I said heading deeper too.

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