1 Enigmatic

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Enigmatic (adjective) - difficult to interpret or understand; mysterious.

Lydia's eyelids flickered open as she squinted, attempting to adjust her eyes to her dark and unfamiliar surroundings. As she tried to move, her arms and legs banged against wood, a terrible sinking feeling hit her as she put her hands up and attempted to push the confinements of the coffin she was trapped in up. "Help me!" The strawberry-blonde squealed as she felt splinters dig into the palms of her hands, causing her to cuss under her shallow breath.

Lydia struggled inside the small confinement to reach into her pocket and pull out her phone, her fingers shaking as she clicked the on button. 'Out of battery,' the dim screen read as she bashed her hand against the side of the coffin in anger. "Somebody get me out of here!"

A loud thud on the top of the coffin caused Lydia to place a hand over her mouth as she whimpered in fear. As she felt hot tears run over her clasped hand Lydia listened intently to the sound of someone walking back and forth next to her. She hears the sounds of latches being unlocked as an unfamiliar voice whispered "are you ready to die, Miss Martin?"

"Miss Martin?" A voice repeated, this time less menacingly as Lydia jolted up from the desk she'd had her head resting on. Her science teacher, Mr James, was standing above her, an unimpressed look spread across his face.
"Uh, sorry. What was the question?" Lydia felt her cheeks warm as she avoided the stares of her classmates.
"I said, what is the definition of a chemical compound?" He pushed his thick black glasses further up his nose as he watched Lydia, unimpressed. The teenager fumbled for her textbook and started flicking through the pages, "I, uh, give me a second..." 

"It's a substance formed by the chemical union  of two or more elements, I believe." Everyone in the class, including Lydia, shifted in their chairs to see the source of the answer. It was Stiles Stilinski, the guy who'd only been at Beacon Hills High for the last six months. He sat slouched over in a relaxed position, fiddling with his pen as he spoke. The dark eyed boy nodded to Lydia. "She told me before class, and it's the only thing I knew so she was stalling so I'd have a chance to answer a question."

Mr James keeps his eyes fixed on Stiles temporarily, as if calculating whether the story he was telling was true, and after a moment he returns his gaze to me. "How chivalrous of you, Miss Martin." The teacher begins to move back towards the board, before adding "in the future, don't dumb yourself down by pretending not to know the answer just to boost another person up. It's a sign of weakness."


As students piled out of the classroom, excited to start the weekend as soon as possible, Lydia stood outside the doorway, hoping to catch Stiles. Surely enough, he was the last person to leave the room,  not portraying the same rush as the other teenagers did as he dawdled out slowly, not even noticing Lydia.
"Hey," Lydia said to catch his attention. He turned around slowly and locked eye contact with her, not answering with words but instead body language. Lydia took a couple of steps forwards towards him, but as she did he instinctively took a few steps backwards and away from her. Lydia gulped slightly, leaving the 3 metre gap between them.

"I just wanted to say thank you."
"Why?" Stiles seemed defensive.
"For answering the question for me, you kind of saved my ass," she laughed nervously.
"Don't mention it." Stiles turned around and began to walk away.
"Oh." The disappointed sound escaped Lydia's lips before she'd even realised.
"Is there something else?" He asked quietly without turning back around.
"Well, I was just wondering if you wanted to go to this party tonight. It's at Jackson's and..."
"I don't usually go to parties," Stiles cut her off.
"Oh okay, well just wondering." Lydia couldn't take her eyes off of the strange boy, there was something different about him, something completely enigmatic. Just as she was about to walk away, Stiles turned back around and said "I guess I could go for a bit." A smile suddenly spread on Lydia's face. "Cool," she nodded slightly, trying to stay as chill as Stiles was about the deal.

"Hey beautiful, I've been looking for you," Jackson walked up behind Lydia and wrapped his hands around her waist, pulling her towards him and kissing her cheek. "I'm still driving you to the party, right?"
"Yeah," Lydia turned slightly towards Jackson, as he placed a hand on her chin and tilted her face up to kiss his much shorter girlfriend. The kiss only lasted a few seconds before Lydia pulled away, she'd never been a big fan of PDA. As Lydia turned back to tell Stiles the details of the party, she realised he was nowhere in sight, as though he had vanished into thin air. Lydia couldn't help but feel disappointed,  she didn't know why but she was intrigued by the mysterious ness of Stiles. "Everything okay?" Jackson asked.
"Yeah, everything is fine."

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