Who are you?

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~Chapter 2 - who are you?~

Dian was too scared to run, move or scream, she just stood there, waiting for the doll to move. Dian approached the doll and looked at it. Her eyes looked so familiar, she was having déjà vu. She thought that this at least was enough to start hitting the books. She went to the most most disliked room in her mansion... The library! Dian went there very rarely and only for a very good cause. She went through many books but only the ones with pictures. She gave up with those. She then asked her father if she could look through all the photo albums and of course he said yes considering that he loved and spoiled her. She looked through them all then just as she was about to give up her search she found what she was looking for. This picture had a young girl that looked a bit like her. The little girl had beautiful flowing brown hair and a pretty little dress that fitted her perfectly. The dress Dian had seen around the house some times and the hair this little girl had was the same as hers. But it was this girls eyes that interested Dian the most, they were a deep shade of blue just like the dolls eyes were.

Dian asked her father who the little girl in the photo was. "This is your mother Dian, she was about your age when this photo was taken"her father said. Oh I didn't know that, daddy why does the doll you gave me have mummy's eyes?" Her father didn't answer, he just walked away from his now confused daughter. When Dian went back to her room she saw her doll but it looked different it was as if it looked tired. Dian made a crazy guess and said "mummy why are you a doll now? The doll didn't move. "Maybe I'm going crazy or something" Dian said to herself. So she put the doll to bed and then went to bed herself. She slept soundly and had a dream. In her dream she constantly heard her name being called out, the voice sounded as if it was distant but the. She could feel the breath of who ever... Or whatever was calling her. In the morning she woke up to the smell of freshly cooked pancakes. They were at the foot of her bed. They were perfectly cooked, but... Dian's father didn't cook... He didn't know how. Dian sat up in bed and looked around for her new doll, it was smiling at her, not in a scary bad way but in a kind loving way.

After Dian had finished eating her pancakes, the doll suddenly stood up and said "I hope you enjoyed your pancakes honey, your father is terrible at making them." When Daniela (the doll) said this poor little Dian almost had a heart attack but instead let out a blood curtailing scream. "Dear that was not very ladylike and what on earth are you screaming about anyway?" Daniela said in a very harsh tone. "Who... Who are you?" Dian asked very frightened. "I'm your mother dear, and I would have thought you knew seeing you asked me yourself why I'm in a dolls form!" Chuckled Daniela. This was going to be a big change in Dian's life and she wasn't sure what to think of her new mother.

"Will you cook for me every morning? And keep me company when I'm bored? Or comfort me when I'm sad?" Dian asked "of course I will, Im Your mother and those are only some of the things I can do for you, I can teach you how to do many things and as your father doesn't teach you anything of hire you a tutor I may as well do it!" Daniela said. This was wonderful Dian finally had a mother, someone to spend her days with when she had nothing to do, a loving person to look after her when she really needed it. This was probably the best thing that has ever happened to Dian. And she was very pleased!


Sorry it took so long to update! Had a bit of writers block! Ad a bit of laziness! Sorry guys!☺

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