Bye bye

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Well that was a pretty eventful morning so far, I mean it was only 9:00 am. When Dian went bak to her room the found Daniela drinking a cup of strong herbal tea. It smelt okay, but Dian was never fond of tea, it tended to burn her lips. "So honey how has your morning been?" She heard Daniela say from her bed. "Umm it was ok, I mean it wasn't bad. So what are we learning today?" Dian said enthusiastically "well I'm glad that you love learning with me, but its a Saturday, we will begin classes again on Monday" Daniela said in a matter-of-fact tone.

The rest of the day Dian was bored, she was used to learning and was even starting a routine for her mornings. She spent most of her boring day reading, sleeping or hanging of the side of her bed upside down. She got fed up. "Mum I'm going to see if daddy will let me have a pet" Dian loved animals and was hoping for a dog or cat. As she was going down the stairs Dian thought of where her father would be, probably in the doll making shed, that's where she went.

She pleaded to her father asking for a dog or cat, this didn't last long though because as I've said so many times before Dian was spoilt, and so she got a puppy from her father after he agreed for one. "I will go into town tomorrow morning to get you a puppy, ok honey?" "Alright but I want a small one!"

Dian was happy that she could finally have a pet and she ran straight upstairs to tell her mother. "Mummy, mummy daddy said i can have I puppy!" Dian said with a big smile on her face. "That's wonderful darling, but you will need to train it, keep it well groomed and fed, are you sure you can do that?" Daniela asked, "it couldn't be that hard and if I'm not doing a very good job you can always help me right?" Dian started to doubt her need for a puppy. " honey of course I will help you look after your new puppy, when are you getting it?" "Tomorrow" dian answered.

"Well honey I would say that it's been a long day tomorrow I will teach you how to care for a puppy, but for now you need sleep."


I knew that doll I gave to Dian was bad news, why would I give my daughter the doll that may or may not be possessed by an evil spirit? I'm so stupid! That doll needs to go and when Dian goes to sleep tonight I am going to take that doll from her and give it to an old friend to dispose of it.


That night while Dian was sleeping soundly her father snuck into her room and took Daniela, she struggled for a moment and then gave up realising that she wouldn't be able to get out of her kidnappers grasp. John took the doll out onto the street where he met a hooded figure who was holding a box, he carefully placed Daniela inside the box and told the hooded figure to take the doll as far away as he could.

This "person" disappeared into the shadowy night taking the doll with him, so that he could fulfil his mission. Keep the doll safe, don't let it out of the box, take it to the most dangerous place you can think of, somewhere no one will go to find it...


The chapter up! It's one of my darker chapters in my book and I don't really know what to wright for my next chapter so please help!

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