Ben drowned x female reader

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You and Ben sat on the couch boredly, it was a rainy day and most creepy pastas were out killing, and both you and Ben didn't want to go around soaking wet in the rain, plus when you would come back into the mansion slender would probable flip out over r floors being wet and demand them to clean it up, Ben turned to you. A smirk played on his face as he spoke up "I have a dare for you, or more like a bet" he said to you as you crossed your arms, you knew this wouldn't be good "oh yeah elf? Tell me" you said quickly after eager to hear as he began to speak again "we play some video games, maybe a racing game, if you win, then you get to have me as a 'slave' for three months" he finished as I frowned and spoke "what if you win?" I asked knowing what he was trying to pull on me, he let out a sigh and hen grinned and spoke "I get to do whatever I want to you" he finished yet again, I sighed, how bad could this really be? I nodded in agreement "you're on" I said.

We set up the game as we both grabbed controllers and began to game, moments later I was almost at the finish "yes!" I said, but I spoke to soon...Ben glitches the game just as I was about to cross the finish line so I was behind him as he finished first. My jaw hung open as I stared at the screen as he turn it off and turned to me with a smirk "I win!" He said as I shook my head "not fair!" I yelled as he spoke "yeah it is, now come with me" he said grabbing my wrist and going into his room locking the door behind us, as I sighed and looked at him "so, time to get started" he said as I was about to say something but was interrupted by him kissing me, I was surprised and confused but soon just went with it and kissed him back. Soon enough things got heated between us as soon Ben and me were undressed with only undergarments on, he reached behind me and unclasped my bra taking it off as I felt my cheeks become heated as he began to kiss from my neck down my chest down my stomach before he pulled my panties off, as he took off his boxers, his *cough, cough* member was hard. He rubbed against your entrance as you bit your lip and whined "Ben stop teasing" you snapped as he just chuckled as response and began to slowly enter you as you whimpered in pain before it turned into pleasure as you have him a nod and moaned lowly and quietly and arched your back. He began to thrust into you harder, faster and deeper. Both of your moans got louder, you panted a few times as you felt yourself get close as he panted and moaned and spoke "I'm really close" he said as you nodded in agreement and arched your back again moving your hips to match his thrusts, soon enough you cummed around him as he pulled out and ejaculated on your stomach since he didn't want to get your pregnant since he wasn't wearing a condom. Ben laid down beside you and pulled the blankets over you both "we should play more video games more often with each other" Ben commented as you laughed "yes Ben" 

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