Eyeless jack x reader LEMON

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I hope this is fairly good enjoy))

Your pov:

'Uhh I can't get to sleep for some strange reason' you thought to yourself in you head lately you haven't been getting the best sleeps and it was slowly killing yourself inside and side and turned on your side and shut your eyes slowly drifting off into a very peacefully sleep but of course nothing ever goes your way and you felt your shirt slowly lift up after your covers were off you knew who it was, you growled and turned into your back again to see Eyeless Jack. You let out a snarl and rolled your eyes "jack!" He snapped and tugged your shirt down "how many times to I half to tell you?! You cant eat my kidneys!" You said to him which made a sigh come from his lips "fine" he muttered to you, ever since you were going to be his victim but survived a few months ago you two had become amazing friends though he still tried to get the kidneys after you strictly had told him no maybe times before, you slapped his hands away "Ej!" You hissed he looked at you "um sorry but i wasn't trying to get your kidneys" he said to you which mad ruling slowly sit up and looked at him confused "what?" You asked him not sure about what he meant by that, he slowly crawled onto the bed and crawled on top of you straddling your waist you blushed madly "Ej what are you doing?!" You said fairly loudly but your parents weren't home you were home all alone, you stared at Ej waiting and you crossed your arms, him still on top of you. He chuckled darkly "I don't want your kidneys Y/N I want you and your body" he said the last part leaning down to your ear and whispering it, that turned you on big time for some reason he looked at you as his hands trailed down your body but you couldn't do much since e was on top of you, he uncrossed your arms and pinned them down with one hand undoing your shirt with the other he licked his lips under his mask and threw your shirt somewhere in the room he hungrily started to kiss up and down your neck as he released your hands and started to undo his pants taking them off leaving him in just his boxers you blushed madly and let out a soft moan as he came across your soft spot which he gladly started to abuse listening to your moans you felt something pole your inner thigh you blushed madly and looked down to see it was what you thought, his d*ck poking your thigh. Ej finished giving you a hickey on your neck, he gave you a few, he went and took off his shirt and undid your pants taking them off leaving you in just bra and panties, you blushed as he reached behind and uncoupled your bra taking it off and throwing it somewhere in the room as he went down and took one of your buds in his mouth sucking on it as e messaged the other breast you moaned and arched your back throwing your head back also as you raked your hands threw his hair moaning his name as he switched to the other bud smirking sucking on it roughly he moved away his masks as pulled up to old show his mouth he took the test off and placed it gently on the floor, he moved his hand down and went and started to rub you down below over your panties which was teasing you and making you even wetter that it soaked threw your panties which made him smirk more showing his sharp teeth "someone's wet" he teased as you looked at him with big pleading eyes he sighed and slipped his hand in your panties and started to rub your clit starting off gently but moving rougher now you moaned and smiled slightly and arched your back enjoying ever second of the pleasure he was giving you not fighting to get him off like you were going to do in the beginning he inserted a finger and started to pump it in and out of you as you let out a few louder moans and he inserted more fingers into you doing the same thing faster this time. You squirmed and maimed gently grabbing his arm but letting him continue pumping his fingers in and out he removed his fingers smirking even more as you have him a confused look he took off your panties so now you were completely naked and he went down to your privates and gently gave you a lick he smirked at you "mhm good" he said and started to eat you out roughly you moaned loud and wrapped your legs around his shoulder and head, arching your back and neck as he ate you out, you felt yourself become close and you cummed he licked every bit of it up and removed his boxers you
Knew whys he wanted to do so you went on your hands and knees and went to his manhood and took his length into your mouth he was an average size so you could manage all of his length you started to suck and bob your head rubbing the small part with your hand that you couldn't get into hut mouth as you sucked for a few more minutes rougher you heard Ej moan and mouth f*ck you holding you head and bucking his hips making all of his length go in your mouth making you gag but you still continued until you felt him release his cum into your mouth as you let his length out of your mouth and swallowed it all and licked your lips looking at him. He grabbed your waist putting you on the bed he went infront of your entrance "ready?" He asked you as you nodded and bit your lip "yes" you said he slowly slide himself into you, well now you weren't a virgin but it hurt like hell you whimpered and looked at the ceiling to distract yourself a bit as Ej waited for you to adjust to his size you have a slightly nod as he started to move and started to thrust in and out of you, you let out a moan and arched your back, grabbing the sheets gently as Ej held your hips as he pounded into you he grunted a few times and smirked going faster and rougher soon enough you started to ride him you both moaning, the sound of skin slapping soon filled the rooms log with pants coming from both of you as you were moving your hips along with his you bit your lip "I'm c-close-" you half yelled screaming in pleasure as Ej nodded "m-me too!" He said as he came inside of you and you came on him you both panted and smirked at escort her as he pulled outbid you and you laid beside each other he wrapped his arms around you and smiled "round two?" He asked as you rolled your eyes "EJ!"

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