Sully x reader

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It was a cold October night. The wind howled outside, loudly. My parents were away for a business trip, together. Which meant that I had the house to myself for the night. As much as I loved having the house to myself, I couldn't help but feel uneasy. After all, there was a killer on the loose known as Homicidal Liu. I had to admit, in some twisted way this boy was hot!

I decided my night would consist of a nice hot shower and then a movie marathon of horror movies and shows. I stood from my bed and made my way to the bathroom, connected to my room. The floor was cold against my bare feet. I reached into the shower and turned the handle. I undressed.

The water became hot. I stepped into the shower. Humming softly. I washed myself. The water felt so good. It helped each away the uneasiness I had been feeling before.

With that I got out of the shower and wrapped a soft towel around myself. I opened the bathroom door and stepped out into my room. I walked over to my bed to get my pajamas I had left there.

I felt a cold breeze. The window was was closed when I went into the bathroom.

My eyes widened as I slowly began to back away to the hallway door.

All of the sudden I felt cold slim hands wrap around my waist pulled me close to someone's body.

I tried to scream but only whimpers came out

"Cat got your tongue?" A raspy voice asked me.

"W-who are you?" I managed to squeak out faintly.

"The names Sully.." The man trailed off.

For some odd reason I felt calm. I didn't feel scared. Suddenly I remembered that I was only wrapped in a towel. My cheeks heated up.

The man's grip tightened on me as he spun me around and pushed me to a wall, his body against mine.

"What are you doing?" I asked confused. I felt some odd attraction to him. I almost felt a need for him.

Without an answer he pressed his soft lips against mine. He tasted sweet as he kept me cornered between the wall and his own body. I felt my need for him grow as I reached up and pulled on his shirt.

I felt him smirk as he pulled away from the heated kiss and took off his shirt before he quickly, without warning tugged my towel off, leaving me completely naked.

I gasped at the cold chill, Sully started sucking on my neck, leaving a trail of hickeys down my neck to my breasts.

Wow this felt amazing.

Suddenly we were in the bed. His pants were off along with his boxers. Wow this was really happening.

He trusted into me gently at first. Before he began to quicken his pace and become tougher. Grabbing my hips and bringing us closer.

I let out a sharp breath and arched my back ever so slightly.

"Come on, moan for me" Sully grunted as he rammed into my harder.

I couldn't hold it in any longer. I began to let out soft moans, growing louder the longer we went on for.

I felt his hands explore every inch of my body as we fucked. This felt so good.

Suddenly he began to moan. I could feel his body tense. Just like that it was over. We laid there panting.

Suddenly he stood up, dressed and winked at me.

"I'll see you soon Y/N" He smirked.

Just like that we was gone. Out the window and into the forest.

How did he know my name?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2019 ⏰

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