Can I keep it?

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Marinette's POV
I thought that today was going to just be a normal day, but when I got to the park that all changed. I had been walking home when I heard what sounded like meowing coming from the park. I thought that maybe Chat was around so I thought that I should go investigate why there he was out and about, I didn't hear about an attack. So I walk into the park following the sound when I find a box that says free to a good home, inside the box is the most beautiful black kitten I have ever seen. Thankfully it was late spring and almost summer so it wasn't too cold outside, also the box was in the shade so the kitten seemed fine but I knew I couldn't leave him there. So without thinking I picked him up and sat down on a bench next to the box, the kitten was really sweet but I noticed a slight problem in my plan to bring him home. I wouldn't be able to, no matter how much I wanted to I couldn't there is a rule that pets aren't suppose to be in or near bakeries unless they are service animals. But I couldn't just leave this poor little kitten, maybe Alya could take him and I could come visit them. I will send her a text and ask,
Mari:"Hey Alya I have a bit of a problem..."
Alya:"What happened girl?"
Mari:"Well I found a cute little kitten but I don't know what to do with him, I would take him home but I can't because of the whole rule where bakeries can't have pets."
Alya:"Oh yeah because some people have allergies, I would love to take the kitten if I could but we were at the doctors the other day and found out that my youngest sister is allergic to cats. But I think I might have a solution, hang tight going to send it in a sec." Oh? I wonder who the solution is, maybe she is sending Nino I know that he likes pets and wouldn't mind... but... wait, she would say Nino's name if she was sending Nino. I wonder who she is sending... before I could think on it too long the "answer" started walking up to me. It was ADRIEN!!! Oh my gosh Alya why...
Adrien:"So I heard from Alya that you are having a bit of a problem, Aw who is this little guy? Can I pet him" he says as he sits down next to me.
Mari:"U-uh yeah, he seems pretty friendly" I say with a major blush because he is sitting so close. "This is actually the little problem that she was talking about."

Adrien's POV
Adrien:"Oh? How is a little kitten a problem?" it was very hard to keep from saying paw-blem, but I figured that I should try and help her out without revealing that I am Chat Noir. Though she did say that Chat was pretty cool so, maybe some other time.
Mari:"W-well..." With that she told me the whole story of the situation with the kitten and I could see that not being able to keep the kitten was making her sad.
Adrien:"Hmm, I do see the problem but I think I might also know a solution."
Adrien:"Yup I will take care of the kitten, and since you like the kitten a lot and he seems to like you a lot, you can come by anytime you want to visit." She was smiling so much that she looked like she might burst from happiness, and she was blushing?
Adrien:"Well now that he has a home, maybe we should name him. I was thinking that we could maybe name him after a hero of the town? Being a black cat and all."
Mari:"Hmm, yeah what do you think of Noir for his name?"
Adrien:"Sounds lovely." I says while thinking, just as lovely as you. I was also happy to have a cat named after me! Well my hero side at least.

Mari:"Well Noir how do you like your new name?" The kitten just meows happily.
Adrien:"Well then are you ready to go Marinette and Noir?"
Mari:"W-wait where are we going?"

Adrien:"Well I was thinking that Noir would need some food and toys, so I thought that you might like to help me pick some out. If you aren't too busy." I say with a slight blush which thankfully I don't think she noticed.

Marinette's POV
Mari:"O-okay" Oh my gosh I am blushing like crazy right now, and I have been invited to go over to his house anytime I want to!!! Wait is he blushing too? *internal screaming* So we go shopping to get some toys, a bed and some food for Noir, he actually helped us pick out the ones that he liked. Adrien gave me his number so I could text him *more internal screaming*
Adrien:"Oh and I was wondering if you would mind watching Noir when I have a Photo shoot. If y-you aren't too busy that is." wait did he just stutter? No probably not, I probably just didn't hear him right.
Mari:"Yeah I can do that for you, after all it was my little problem to start off with." I say with a smile.
But sadly after that I had to go home after that, I needed to go help out at the bakery. After I was done I called Alya up and we talked about EVERYTHING!!!

Adrien POV
I am really glad that I could help Marinette out with her cute little problem, and this also means that I won't be as lonely through out the day! Dad won't really care if I have a pet or not as long as I continue to do well in school, fencing and continue to do my photo shoots.
Nathalie:"Here is your schedule Adrien, also I see that you heard about the new line of clothing that is coming out?" Wait, what new line of clothing...
Adrien:"Sorry Nathalie but I don't remember what you are talking about."
Nathalie:"Oh I thought that was why you brought that kitten home." I decide to explain the situation to her and she just nods to what I say til I am done.
Nathalie:"Well as your father said, as long as I continue to do well in school, fencing and continue to do my photo shoots, you may have ONE pet. Also the photo shoot includes a pet so this is actually perfect timing because we were going to look for a pet to use. As long as... Noir behaves you can have him in the shoots, but we will need someone who an watch him for the shots that he is not in. I highly doubt that the photographer has extra people at the moment who can do that." Perfect!!! I could ask Marinette, then I could also spends some more time with her and maybe get to know her a bit more!!!
Adrien:"I think I might know the perfect person to do that, I will text her right away."
Nathalie:"Good, then I will tell the photographer that we have everything ready for the photo shoots, they start next week." With that she left and I went to my room with Noir and texted Marinette.
Adrien:"Hey Marinette how would you like to do a do a photo shoot with Me and Noir next week?

Marinette's POV
Oh my gosh!!! HE IS ASKING ME TO DO A PHOTO SHOOT WITH HIM!!! I am so busy dancing around my room that I almost forgot to answer, thankfully Alya was over and reminded me to answer his text.
Mari:"I am free next week, so yeah I can."
Adrien:"Great! I will see you in the photo shoots starting Monday."
Again dancing around the room like a crazy person.
Mari:"Okay, I will see you on Monday." After I put my phone down I started dancing around.
Alya:"Great job girl, now how are you going to be able to talk to him during the photo shoot?" I stop dancing long enough to think about that.
Mari:"Well I could just talk to him while I hold Noir, that way his attention isn't fully on me."

----Time skip to Monday [start of summer break]----
Marinette's POV
So today is the day that Adrien and I have photo shoot with Noir, I'm glad that he is a good kitten but I don't know how he will take to the cameras. Well I have to get over to Adrien's, we were going to meet up there and then head over to the photo shoot, that was going to be held at the park, with Noir.

When the Photo Shoot started Noir posed like he was a kitten born for modeling, this caused Marinette to giggle and Adrien to smirk. They modeled through 4 couple outfits, after that they needed Adrien to model some other outfits for another line of clothing and Marinette just watch while she watched Noir. When they finally took a lunch break, after a few more couple and Adrien only pictures, Adrien decided that they should have lunch at home since the shoot was done for the day. As they talk on the way to Adrien's car they discus how Noir is a perfect cat model, and even acts kinda like the hero he was named after.
Adrien:"Purr-haps he knows Chat Noir, they could even be cousins."He says with a wink, as they stop walking.
Marinette:"That is Paw-sible." That launches a Cat Pun battle with Adrien named the victor, because Marinette was to busy laughing at how silly they both sounded.

Unknown to both of them the photographer thought that they looked so adorable that he might just take a few pictures for himself, it seems that he might ship them. But unknown to all of them there was another person taking pictures, Alya decided that she needed to capture moments like these for Marinette to look at later. Just in case she looses confidence again, or just because they look adorable together and Alya has shipped them from the start.

Alya:"They are so perfect for each other, I wonder if they see that now." with that she moves away before they notice her.

Ps. I know the spacing got messed up a bit, for some reason each time that I try to fix it it doesn't want to fix. Oh well I might try again tomorrow, goodnight lovely people. ^.^

One-shots Adrinette/LadynoirWhere stories live. Discover now