Someday We Will Be Together Again

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So I was watching the Volpina the other day, okay so it was a few days ago but not the point. So I was watching it and I noticed that they show a few more pictures of Adrien's Mom, and they also show what looks like the peacock miraculous so I thought I would write a theory short! Anyway this will either work well or turn out really bad, we shall find out!!! Oh and her Miraculous name is going to be Paonness which is french for a female peacock which is called a peahen. Anyway let the story BEGIN!!!

Hawk Moth's POV
Hawk Moth:"I look around and I can't find her anywhere, and it is these times that I remember that she is truly gone and I really miss her. But I should probably start this story from the beginning so you will know what is going on. It all started 6 years ago, in Tibet, it was the day I lost her and the day that everything changed..."

I had only been in Tibet for a few month and I can't believe that all of this has happened so far. When we first got to Tibet I saw a little shop that had some beautiful jewelry in the window, so I decided to take a look around. After entering the store I was a sea foam colored broach that would be a lovely present for my wife, but what I didn't realize that it would be the beginning of something that no one knew anything about. After I gave her the broach I had to leave for business stuff but when I came back she was wearing it, and was even showing it to our son who was 8 at the time. I was about to ask her a question when I heard a loud crash and we all ran outside to check to see what had happened, or so I thought. I look down and see Adrien next to me but I don't see my wife, at first I think that maybe she had to go back into the house but I hear another crash and look to my right and see a giant monster who is walking around. Before I could even think of doing anything to react I see a beautiful peacock appear out of nowhere and dazzle the beast with his.. no wait her tail, okay so that means that she is a peahen then. This peahen looks very familiar but I need to find my wife so I have no time to stay and watch the fight, so taking by the arm I walk with him to try and find her when I hear a loud sounding thud. I look back to see the beast on the ground and the peahen jump and then glide away, not more than 3 minutes later I see my wife exiting the house and she looks exhausted. I ask her what happened and she said that she was about to leave when she forgot something and saw a superhero when she went to get it. The hero said that her name was Paonness, and that she would protect Gabriel and Adrien but that she should stay inside because it was safer. Now if anyone else has told me this outrageous story and if I hadn't seen the hero for myself then I probably wouldn't have believed them. But that was also the start of the strange sightings of Paonness and the strange monsters that she had to fight, and during that time I found a strange broach but I didn't really wear it. Now I wish I had, because during one of the fights Paonness got really hurt, she was able to beat back the monster but she also had to detransform... that is when I found out that this mysterious hero truly was my wife, and I was never able to help her... not long after she detransformed in front of me, her kwami was to hurt to keep the transformation up much longer, she told me to never tell adrien... then HE APPEARED!!! He demanded the broach and she said that he could never have it, she said that Paonn [my name for this kwami] told her everything and that she would never give it to him... then there was a flash and they both were gone... I never saw my beautiful wife ever again...

---Back to the present---
Hawk Moth
: "And now you know why I need to get their miraculous' and why I MUST have ultimate power, if only I had used my miraculous earlier... if only I knew... then maybe, just maybe I could have saved her... and my wife would still be here. After that day I kept my promise to her and never told Adrien the true story of what happened to his mother to protect him, but I also turned cold to him. It hurt me to do so but it hurt me more to see him and not think of her, they were so alike." I look down at my kwami, Noorroo, he looks sad and scared and I just look away and put on the broach. I look back at the book that I had found a while back that told me all about my broach and a lot about these miraculous stuff. "That is also why he wasn't allowed out of this house, that person is still out there, somewhere in hiding. I will never forget how he looked, more beast than a human, like an ancient creature and this book says that he is the ancient evil that the miraculous holders have never been able to completely defeat. So I will do it myself, I will get all the miraculous' and I will take him out." I then look over to the broach that my wife wore, the only thing that I had left from her, and I walk away. I will have her back... "Noorroo, transform me" and I turn into Hawk Moth.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2016 ⏰

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