Blue Eyes

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So this is going to be a weird one-shot because it is based off of a song/poem that I found when looking through some of the old stuff that I wrote[song-ish-like so yes there will be repeats for the chorus]. So...yeah...Uhm, I am going to make it something that Adrien is writing because Marinette/Ladybug has blue eyes so it works, kinda. I might have to re-word some of it so it works better for this, I haven't completely decided yet. Anyway, enjoy or ignore you can choose. ^.^

Adrien/Chat's POV

Blue eyes, you shine like a cloudless sky.

But why, do you make me want to cry,

Out your name and say,

Do you feel the same way.

Another battle against the akuma was won today, and after our signature fist bump my lady had to leave. I wonder if I will ever get the chance to tell her how I feel, and if she will ever feel the same way. I also had to leave before I changed back, but when I get home I just fall on my bed and try to write my poem again.

Blue eyes, you shine like a cloudless sky.

Blue eyes, you twinkle with the sun in you eyes.

Blue eyes, do my eyes sparkle in the moonlight.

Is that why, you look at me so.

I had noticed that recently she has been more...I don't know how to really put it, but her eyes seem to sparkle a little more each time I see her. Maybe it's just me noticing the beauty of her eyes, but it also seems like she might be starting to fall for me.

They shine like the morning sky,

Shine while the sunlight dances in your eyes.

They shine, oh why do they have to shine

The have a pull like the sun in the sky

Blue eyes why do you make me feel, this, way.

I groan and roll over on my large bed as I remember all the fights that I have had with ladybug, My Lady. And I also think of the time that I had spent with marinette, my princess, so much like my lady yet so different. Both the things that they have in common and the ways that they are different are so amazing to me, when they get use to you they both have a personality that can pull people in.

Blue eyes, you shine like a cloudless sky.

Blue eyes, you twinkle with the sun in you eyes.

Blue eyes, do my eyes sparkle in the moonlight.

Is that why, you look at me so.

Adrien:"Ugh, I can't believe that I am in love with two different girls at one time. My lady and my princess..."
Plagg:"Then why not go for the one that you know who is?" he says while eating some really stinky cheese .
Adrien:"Because I could never abandon my feelings for either that easily, I love both of them but I don't know if either love me back..."
Adrien:"Plagg CLAWS OUT" After turning into Chat Noir I put the poem in my pocket with a small pencil so I can continue writing while I run.  

Do my eyes sparkle under the midnight sky

Is that the reason why,

Is that why you look at me?

Is there more than what I see?

This is something very strange,

But I don't want it to change.

After running for a while I find a nice spot to sit and continue to write, on top of this building I could see the moon over the Eiffel Tower and it looked beautiful. So while I continued to write I doodled the scene that laid before me, to forever connect the poem and this event.

Blue eyes, you shine like a cloudless sky.

Blue eyes, you twinkle with the sun in you eyes.

Blue eyes, do my eyes sparkle in the moonlight.

Is that why, you look at me so.

While I was sitting there I wasn't really paying attention to my surroundings, that usually is a bad idea but the night was pretty quiet.
Ladybug:"Hey Kitty Cat, what are you doing on this roof?" When I turn around I see my lady walk up to me, eyes shining as bright as ever in the moon.

Ps. The spacing probably got messed up because I was moving things around and the spacing decided to go waka. This is all Adrien/Chat's POV, also I did have to change it a bit from what I originally wrote so sorry if it doesn't really flow well.

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