Partying Alone- Chapter 3

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Picture of Alice and Spencer----->

"WHOOOOOOO GO ASHER!! ASHER ASHER ASHER ASHER ASHER!" the crowd erupted and was cheering Ashers name as he scored the winning try!!!

"WHOOO GO ASHER! THAT'S MY BEST FRIEND!!" I screamed and I ran over to Asher as the crowd started cheering "Stallions stallions Stallions!"

"Asher congrats you just scored the winning goal!" I screamed

"Alex thanks so much! It was amazing! That was so cool how you got the crowd to chant my name the atmosphere was what made that goal possible!"

I noticed Connor and Spencer walking over here and I ran over to them and hugged them. "Congratulations guys! With out that pass Ashy wouldnt have been able to score that goal! We are going to championships!!!" I said happily to them.

"Connor, I told Brittney that we would get ready to go to Jen's party but I said that before I realised we had a date so she has to come with us. Sorry."

"Thats ok babe, the more the merrier i say. Now go get her so we can go because I know how long it takes for girls to get ready!" 

"Bye Ashy! I'm going to Jen's Party with Connor and Brit ill see you there!" I said and hugged him.

I walked over to find Brittney and there she was flirtting to some random guy. 

"Brittney we gotta go get ready for Jen's! Shooo peasant!" I said shooing the random guy off and grabbing Britts arm.

"Common girlfriend! Connor is taking us to the party cuz i kinda owed him a date from Jen's last party."

"Wait!" Said Brit stopping. "You mean Connor, the supper hot, bad boy!"

"Wait! No way theres another Connor." I replied scarcastically.

"Connor we are ready lets go!" I screamed and hoped into his car.

"I shot gun Bitches!" Screamed Brit and jumped into the passenger seat.

************************************* 1O MINUTES LATER*********************************************

"Hey mum, Hey dad!" I screamed

"Hey honey." Replied my mum giving me a big hug.

"Whats the plans for tonight?" Asked my dad.

"Well dad, mum tonight, Connor, Brittney and I are going to Jen's victory party!" I said gesturing to Connor and Brit.

"Thats good honey, Im guessing by the way you said victory they won."


"Brittney, it is so nice to see you! Why havent you been around lately? all ive seen is Ash not that i dont like him its just my Alex needs female company!" Said my mum giving Brittney a hug. 

"Sorry, Mr. and Mrs. Michales. Ive been busy." Replied Brittney

"Honey, How many times do I have to tell you its Margaret and Simon. I hate Mr. and Mrs. it makes us feel old." said my mum.

"Hello Connor, nice to meet you." My dad said sticking his arm out to shake Connors hand.

"Nice to meet you to sir and m'am." replied Connor polietly.

"Connor honey, the same rule applies to you its Margaret and Simon."

"Ok well yes, now you guys know Connor and saw Brit. We are getting ready and by getting ready i mean me and Brit. Connor you can just relax changed do watever we are going." I said pulling Brittney into my room.

yes if you havent noticed my parents are extremely cool. They are fun and kind and they let me go out. Occasionally they put their foot down on certain activities but I can usually persuade them to let me go. That is the beauty of being an only child they dont want to upset me. I mean I'm not a spoiled brat or anything but I do take advantage of the situation. 

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