Victoria's Secret & Fountains- Chapter 7

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We were approaching the shops and Asher being the idiot he is decided to suddenly stops the car in the middle of the parking lot. 

"What the fuck Asher! I was appling my lipgloss!" Squeeled Zac in a high pitch girly voice. 

"Zac, I swear if you are tring to impersonate me I will cut your balls of in your sleep and hang them on Ashers wall. As for you Asher, fucking drive!" I screamed and Asher started up the car again and I saw Zac gulp. "Thats right Zaccy Waccy Accy Oh! Be scared of me!"

"Ash, theres a spot over there." Said Zac and pointed to spot.

"About bloody time." I said as the car screetched to a halt. I heard a buckle and turned around the see standing on the seat and jumping over the door and out of the car. "Ohhhh Zac, Ash is gonna killl you!" And right as I said that I heard screaming.

"What the fuck do you think your doing Zac? this is my fucking brand new car. For fucks sake, I havent even farted in this car. Today was just meant to be me and Alex but she is too nice and decided to invite you! If you are going to come with us and get a ride back home you better act your age!" Asher screamed to Zac. I saw Zac's face turning red and this is never a good sign so I decided to jump inbetween them before something bad happened. 

"Oi you!" I screamed pointing at Zac, "appologise for ruining Asher's new car and Asher stop over reacting after all I have already farted in this car FYI! Now you two stop acting like two year olds and come with me. I belive I owe Asher a gelato and I want to do the usual Victoria's Secret prank and now that your here Zac it can work better!" I ranted. I turned around and looked at Asher and Zac expectantly but they didn't say anything instead they just walked up to me and gave me I hug. Full of suprise I huged them back and linked arms with them. "Now my two favourite boys lets go shopping!" I squeeled.

First I dragged Zac and Asher to the Gelato bar and I bought Asher and chocolate chip, cookie dough ice-cream (his favourite) then Zac ordered himself a Lemon sorbet and lastly I ordered myself a plain chocolate gelato. As we ate our gelatos I spotted a new shop 'London Look', from the display this shop looked pretty cool. It had shoes, shirts and dresses, everything a girl needed. "Zac, Ash lets go in there." I said pointing at the shop.

We walked into the shop and were hit with a smell of vanilla. I walked straight over to the dresses and started pulling out the dresses I liked and handing them to Asher and Zac. "What do you need these dresses for? Last time I checked you had like one million." Said Asher. 

"Asher, If you were listening to your mum she said that we are going out for dinner tonight so I need a nice casual dress. Plus you can never have too many dresses." I said as I pulled out a nice skirt. "Now Ash, zac be good children while i go change."

I walked into the changing room and started pulling out dresses. The first dress was a royal blue one with sequens at the top half of the dress. I tried it on and it made me look like a blue sack. Next! the next dress i tried on was bring pink and had this weird lace thing on it that I accidently ripped as I was tring it on. Whops! I thought next. I continued tring on all the dress and I was left with my skirt, I tried it on and it was perfect. Yes, Im so buying this I thought!

I grabbed my skirt and walked out of the change room to see Zac and Ash in the middle of an arm wrestle. Typical Zac and Ash I thought as I snuck up to them and flicked their ears. "Oww!" The both winged in unison.

"Guys get over your self! Besdies I found a skirt and I have the perfect top to go with it!"

"So we can go?" Asked Asher eagerly.

"Ash I said I have a skirt I didn't say I was done. Besides we have a prank to do." I replied while doing my traditional even fingers looking like Mr. Burns from the Simpsons.

"Ok guys, we have a prank to do!" Said Zac as I paid for my skirt. 

I decided to be a smart ass and salute at Zac and say "Sir, Yes Sir." and salute again. I grabed Zac and Asher's arm and dragged them to the fountain in the middle of the shop. I decided to then drop the soldier act and turn into a football player. As they sat down on the ledge of the fountain I rain up to them and struck my arms out. Affected by the impact they fell into the fountain.

Zac popped up for breath "What the fuck Alex! How do you expect me to go into Victoria's Secret looking like this?"

"Hmmmm..." I said smugly as Asher popped up.

"Phase 1 complete." Said Ash and I had to do a double take because he sounded like an army officer. 

"Ok now huddle guys!" I said as they climbed out of the fountain. "Phase 1 is complete so now we are gong to walk into Victoria's Secret I'm going to go into the bikini section and Zac, create a scene. I dont care what you do just be a huge distraction! Asher you are going to gather as many bras and thongs as you can find in the biggest size you can find and saw to the models, Can you guys help me find these in my size? After that I am going to change into my bikini and run out of the shop. You guys then run out of the shop after me shaking the water every where. I am going to run to the fountain and jump into it. We will probably get thrown out so one of you hold my skirt." I said as I thrust the bag into their hands. "Showtime!" I said and did some jazz hands.

I walked into Victoria's Secret and ran into the bikini section. I grabed the first bikini I found in my size and ran into the change room. While in the changeroom I heard Zac turn screaming in a weird accent "Yo! CAN I GET SOME HELP IN HERE?" I then some thumping and someone screamed "I want this in the largest size you got!" 

I then decided it was time to run out of the shop. I grabed my clothes opened the change room and started screaming. "Ohhh this bikini is soooo pretty, I'm gonna go swimming!" and with that I ran out of the shop. I saw the fountain in sight and I turned around and behing me I saw Zac and Ash running, they were dripping wet! Behind them were the Victoria's Secret secrutiy guards.

The fountain was around 5 meters away and I jumped into it! There was water everywhere and as the security guards were running they slipped onto the water. I felt the water move around again and I looked around and I saw Zac and Ash in the water next to me. 

I screamed to them "Turn around I'm gonna change back into my clothes really quickly. I'm gonna dump the bikini and you guys drop the thongs and shit! turn around now!" I screamed as I started changing. 30 seconds later I was done. "Ok guys quick! Run!" I screamed and jumped out of the fountain.

I was running and the security guards were gaining on me. Asher saw me struggling and he pulled me up onto his back! Finally we reached the car and the security guards were 10 meters away from us. "Guys please dont ruin my car." Pleaded Ash as he threw me into the front seat and Zac jumped into the back.

Ash pressed the gas and we were flying away. We were greated by screams of  "Ill get you for this!"  As we were a far distance away from the shops we bursted out laughing.

"God Alex! How the fuck did you come up with that?" Asked Zac. But I was laughing too much to answer. this was the best day ever I thought as I pulled into Jane's driveway. 

We jumped out of the car and were pulled into hugs from Jane. "jeez Alex I really dont know how you come up with this shit! I want details. How did you get away today?"

"Wait mum." Asked Zac. "Shes done this before?"

"Zac, Alex has done this once a month since you left for college." Not being able to contain my laugh any more I started cracking up.

"I swear shes on crack." Said Zac and Asher in unison and then they burst into laughter as well.

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