Rope Burns

11 5 0

Pain is an overrated feeling and the worst part is we need it.
I keep coming back, like a hungry dog that hasn't had enough of you,
I jump on the trampoline and crash through the roof,
I reach the stars – I could.
I'd want to.

Imagine, a game of chess,
where the pawns revolt and kill their own kings
– Point is: co-dependency is dangerous –
And my middle name is Danger.
Us. You and me. Watching Toy Story 3.
Wiping your tears clean with fire
– Even burned down you look lovely –.

Light me up like a cigarette and smoke me 'til you die,
it isn't lung cancer it's every lie
we've said over and over again,
the things you hide,
the devilishly good looking sighs,
the sights, the sides; I hide
under it all.

You're tapping your foot to the rhythm of our kisses,
it's admittedly weird. But I like it.
It's a terribly overused metaphor but so am I.
Health kit.
– You, I mean.

You're the CPR I didn't even need,
but anything that gets my heart to beat faster – I'm in.

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