Where am i?, this is the question i ask myself as i come back into consciousness. As my eyes flutter open i stare broadly at the white ceiling. It all comes back to me, am at the hospital, St. Patrick's hospital that is. I push myself up off the bed suddenly the stench of urine rushes up my nose, my urine. How long have i been on this bed to have wet myself. One thing am sure is that St.Patrick has poor customer care.
Suddenly a whisper in my ears , 'Alone' as a cold feeling moves down my spine. The voices, they are still there. The reason i was here was to get them out. For those who don't know I've got schizophrenia, a rare pschological disorder that causes the victim, in this case me to have hallucinations. If the voices are back my visions shouldn't be too far behind. My schizophrenia is usually triggered by solitude, this has caused me to live my life surrounded by friends to stay sane.
That said i need to get out of here and find some people, i have no plans of going crazy in here. Time to get off this bed, but as i step down on my feet i am suddenly embraced by the cold hard floor. Shit! My legs, i can't feel them looks like i haven't used them in a while. A splatter of blood on the floor, my blood. I trace it back to a needle on my arm, looks like i was on some kind of drip. How didn't i notice that, I'm becoming quite careless.
Slow and steady i get up, like learning how to walk all over again. Luckily it's a small room so the door isn't too far. I turn the door handle but it's locked, well f**k my luck today. As i stomp my feet on the ground in rage, i hear a clinky sound, it's the key. Almost as if the door was locked from the outside and the key was pushed into the room. Someone really wanted me locked in here, but why and from what?