2: A Beautiful Stranger

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After a short 10 minute walk, the twins found the high school. Everyone was gathering around to say hello after the summer and everyone was looking at each other's schedules.

Mabel gasped. "Candy! Grenda!"

Mabel's friends, Candy and Grenda, heard their friends voice and turned around.

"Mabel!" Candy grinned.

"Yay! Mabel!" Grenda clapped.

"You didn't tell us you're going to school here!" Candy gasped.

"Well it was sort of a last minute thing." Mabel nervously laughed. "Plus I wanted to surprise you guys!"

"This is gonna be so cool!" Grenda cheered.

"Yay!!" Mabel grinned.

While Mabel was talking with her friends, Dipper tried to look for some people to mingle with before the bell rang. He did find someone...Pacifica.

Pacifica looked at him and gasped. "You're going to school here?"

"Uh, yeah." Dipper shrugged, "is that a problem?"

"Listen, Pines," Pacifica said, "I'm the most popular person in this high school. So don't be telling people about your crazy paranormal junk."

"Why can't I?" Dipper crossed his arms.

"Because then everyone will like you more than me." Pacifica flipped her hair.

"Well I don't want everyone to know who I am." Dipper said. "I just wanna make some friends."

"Good luck with that." Pacifica laughed. "The only friends you'll make is the people in the geek squad."

Pacifica saw her girls and walked away from Dipper, leaving him in the dust.

"She's so selfish!" Dipper whispered under his breath.

"Dipper!" Mabel called. "Come on!"

Dipper turned around and walked inside the school with his sister and her friends.

Mabel waved bye to her friends and they were separated from their classes. Mabel only had her brother in this class, Algebra II.

"Math this early in the morning?" Mabel groaned. "No thank you."

"Oh come on," Dipper said, "Algebra II can't be that bad, right?"

As Mabel groaned, the door opened and in came a beautiful boy with blonde hair and blue eyes. He wore a yellow shirt with a black vest, black pants, and black converse.

"Sorry I'm late." The boy said. "Where do I sit?"

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