18: Pacifica

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The big day came. The cast list results. Mabel and Bill rushed to the list and desperately looked for their names.

"Sweet!" Bill cheered. "I got the lead."

Mabel's smile turned into a frown. "Just a dancer?"

"What?" Bill looked at Mabel. "No that has to be a mistake."

Then Mabel looked at Pacifica's name. Gabriella Montez.

"I'm sorry, Mabel." Bill frowned.

"Don't worry about me." Mabel smiled. "Look at you! You got the lead!"

"Yeah but I have to be with Pacifica now..." Bill frowned.

Mabel looked over her shoulder and sure enough saw Pacifica with her girls.

Mabel looked back at Bill. "I'll be right back. I have to take care of something."

"Should I be concerned?" Bill asked.

Mabel shook her head. "No, Bill. I'll see you in math class."

Bill waved and walked off.

Mabel walked over to Pacifica, who stared at her necklace. "Nice necklace. Where did you get it from? Math class?"

As the girls laughed, Mabel rolled her eyes. "Bill gave it to me. And that's not why I'm over here."

"Then why are you here?" Pacifica laughed.

"I have to talk to you. Alone." Mabel crossed her arms.

"Oooooooh." Pacifica's girls laughed. "Byeeeeee!"

Her friends left and Mabel glared at Pacifica.

Pacifica gave her a confused look. "What?"

"Stop flirting with my boyfriend, Pacifica." Mabel said.

"I flirt with every guy in school, dork." Pacifica said.

"Well stop flirting with Bill!" Mabel stomped her foot.

"What are you gonna do, Mabel? Huh?" Pacifica laughed. "I'm the most popular girl in school and you are--"

"The girlfriend of the most popular boy in school."

Pacifica rolled her eyes and walked off.

The bell rang and Mabel realized class started. She's late. Mabel ran to Algebra II and got into the class just before the teacher shut the door.

"Mabel!" Dipper said. "There you are!"

"Where did you go?" Bill asked.

Mabel sat down. "I told Pacifica to stop flirting with you."

Bill nodded. "I told her that too but she won't stop. I think she's doing it just to annoy you."

"I can see that." Mabel nodded. "I wish she was a better person."

"Don't we all?" Dipper joined in.

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