Chapter 1

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I'm so sleep deprived I only had 3 hours of sleep, I stayed up with my friend till like 5 just to scout for my waifu on love live school idol festival and it was so worth it cause I got her *cries* didn't get to idolize her but still got her nonetheless anyways this is probably pointless but I wanted to show you how sleep deprived I am XD it's a good thing I had already finished this story cause oh the chapters would've been bad with me being in this state...the power of copy and paste is amazing anyways just go on...

Ritsu P.O.V

I sigh for the tenth time now. It's only been two hours but it feels like a year has gone by. Little Haru over there decided to have a sleepover to celebrate the fact that I'm living next door now. Kisa tagged along and I swear after this I will kill him.

He made the mistake of giving Haru chocolate. And now we are stuck playing truth or dare!

"Oh stop it Ricchan it will be fun!" Haru says giggling.

Haru having chocolate is like a drunk Haru on alcohol. Except that's not the case, he just gets all giggly and excited for no reason. But oh have I found something on him that will get him to stop bothering me. I smirk at the thought as a little voice in my head is laughing evilly.

At my smirk Kisa flinches probably realizing what they got themselves into. I also have something for Kisa if he were to go down the same path as Haru. Let's just say I saw him a little too close to the Prince of the bookstore, or at least that's how they call him these days.

"I feel like something bad will happen to us" says Kisa cowering behind Haru.

"Don't worry about it! Right now he's thinking he's got dirt on us but he's wrong. He keeps forgetting about my capabilities" Haru says full of himself.

I flinch at the thought of it. You never know anything when it comes to Haru. I sigh in defeat and decide to just go along with their game.

"So Ricchan truth or dare?" asked Haru first.

"I guess I'll just go with truth" I say, knowing that it's the only option where I won't have to do anything they tell me.

And knowing them, they wouldn't hesitate to turn something that's supposedly innocent into something perverted. Though then again this game was never innocent to begin with.

"Oh come on at least choose dare!" Says Haru pinching my cheeks playfully.

I slap his hand away to get him to stop. I sigh knowing full well that I'm going to regret this, but why not just do it, after all I can always get my revenge later.

"Okay fine, then dare!" I say defeated.

I noticed the huge grin on Haru's face and that made me flinch. I swallow hard waiting on the soon to be the death of me. I look at Kisa for help but he also has a smirk on his face. I seriously need to start making new friends or at least stay away from the perverted side of my family, which only includes Haru.

"Little Ricchan" he says pronouncing every syllable carefully. What's up with the little part though?

"I dare you to call Takano-san and tell him how much you love him and miss him in a seductive voice!" He finalizes his statement by pointing at me and giggling.

At that Kisa bursts out laughing, not because of the fact that he's my boss but at the fact that he's my boyfriend. Turns out Kisa has been suspecting of our relationship but we finally told him the truth today and I was surprised he was fine with it. Though then again he was also dating a guy from what I suspect at least.

"No way! Anything but that!" I say beet red waving my hands frantically.

I can't do that! It's so embarrassing. And the fact that I live with him now gives me less chances to escape his teasing. Plus I'm almost getting used to living with him, I don't want to be all awkward about it now.

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