Season 1 Ep 4 : Kidnapped

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  What was I thinking I can't cheat on Zane....But I felt a spark Gah I cant think about this I just cant look anxious or he is going to notice...I'm almost Near his place".....She thinks to herself. (My Irene Aphmau make up your mind!, I mean I will choose Aaron i mean Look at his abs! Anyways back to story). Aphmau gets out of her car once she gets there and walk in to Zane's mansion. "Hey Zane" She says in a Nervous voice "Oh Aphmau I was waiting for you to come i thought you were going to follow me I guess you didn't" He says With a fake worried face Aphmau then replies by saying " That psychopath Grab my hand!" She rolls her eyes. Zane thinks to himself "Is Aaron trying to get my Girlfriend The last time he did that He went to jail..." Zane then says to Aphmau out loud "Trust me He wont touch you ever again!" He then notices that she is sweating "Wait a minute, Did you--" She quickly notices what he is talking about . She quickly then responds by saying "Ew uh N-no I didn't do something like that to you.." Zane starts to think about what he is doing to her and is reconsidering to stop spying on her and cheating on her with Lillian, But He still needs to check on Lillian just incase Aphmau is lying . " Are you okay?" he says grabbing her hand "Uh Y-yeah" She stutters, Zane Notices she is lying and looks at her with his crazy eyes He then says "No your not, Are you sure He didnt watch anything to you?" He says pretending to care "Oh Uh N-nothing Zane It's Just--" he starts to yell "JUST WHAT!!!" everyone In the room Stops and stares for a moment He looks around with his crazy eyes, The workers Know when to stop staring at him...

 Aphmau is now scared and starts to tear up, Zane notices and says "Look aphmau I am so--" Aphmau got angry and said "Stop, Im done Bye Zane..." she walks away...Zane feels that he is guilty He wants to apologize but she is already gone by then. Aphmau feels so angry This is the second time this week He Yelled at her, But she had to go to the party...Just to give him a second chance other than that She was furious at him. She drove home while that she saw Aaron, she started to blush even though she was in her car she tried to hide her face from his After she passed him she started thinking about the way he looks, Talks , and everything in all she just couldn't keep her mind off him, Later when she got home She went inside and went to rest in her bed She took a nap. Aaron On the other side got home and was thinking of Aphmau : Her lips it was Amazing she...I don't know how to explain it I felt the spark did she not? He thought to HImself He went to his bedroom and looked out his window and saw Her, Aphmau. After all this time he thought, She lived right in front of Me literally!, He was amazed for a moment Until the doorbell Rang He went to go check Who it was..Thinking it was Probably His daughter Lilith He thought that because she said she was going to visit today So He Grabbed a Tray of Cookies And opened the door with his Right hand While holding the tray with his Left hand. Meanwhile, Aphmau was thinking why Zane Yells at her Does he have anger problems she thought and maybe she can get help....Boy was she wrong he was just a psychopath That was a BAD person Aphmau deserves better Like Aaron (Just Saying) When she stops to remember About the kiss She starts to think a WHOLE other way like why did he do that? Or DO I have feelings for him Well the next time She sees him she will straight up Slap him. Back to Aaron He opens to door to  find Nobody he Is upset and starts to worry what if she doest wanna come....Leaving the door open for some odd reason to Put the Tray down on the counter A stranger walks his Apartment and Knocks him out...He then wakes up to look around and see Guys with guns and a weird mask On their face..He starts to panic and Tries to break out of the chair he is tied to But Does not succeed, The guys Notice that Aaron is awake and Motions To the captain that he is awake. 

    Aaron starts to panic and You can see that he is Scared or Afraid The captain takes Advantage of this and starts to question him knowing that he Probably won't answer But first The captain Needs to introduce Herself...."Hello There.." She smirks while crossing her Arms Aaron looks up and says "H-Hello?" Looking Frightened "Well, I am the Captain And My name is --" She gets Cut off by one of her men "Wait, Ma'm Isn't Keeping Your name Out a good idea?" He asked She turns around  "And why Is that?" She asks him "W-well What if He escapes and goes to the police and says your name They would track you down...." He says "Good thinking There Marsh" she replies "Marsh?!?" Aaron says The captain turns around and pulls a sword out of no where and holds it against Aaron's Throat. Aaron Gulps and is still afraid from the looks of it "You better Be quiet Or else we will make you quiet Got it?" She says Aaron then looks straight into her eyes and says "U-uh O-ok Ok..." She looks at him and grabs his chin and says "Your a pretty boy Aren't you?" She smirks "W-why Would Y-you say that? And W-why do you C-care" He asks her "Hey Im the one with the questions!" She screams back at Aaron..Someone Walks in...


Okay so What do ya think 1000+ Words good right? SO I would make a part 2 Sooner. FYI Me and My big sister Emilynnnnn Joined Because We wanted to see who was more Famous with Reads and followerz In reads she is winning with her Lemonz In followers Im winning With 13 Followerz But I wanna win everythang sooo I want more Reads! No pressure But yeah....


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2016 ⏰

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