Chapter 8.5

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Normani had been awake for a while. She was staring at Dinah's bare back as the taller girl snored peacefully, face down on the bed.

Normani couldn't help the shit eating grin that creeped onto her face. They've been meeting up to go to lunch or dinner together everyday since their first date at the bakery. She has never felt so happy and it had only been a week.

Hell, they've even 'sexted' - thank you Lauren - as Camila had also inspired Dinah.

Last night was their first time together and even though they were both drunk, it was very memorable.

Normani trailed her fingers up and down Dinah's spine, causing the younger girl to shiver. Normani leaned down and placed a soft kiss on her shoulder, causing Dinah to turn around and face her.

"Hello beautiful." Dinah muttered, looking into Normani's pretty brown eyes.

Normani narrowed her eyes playfully. "That's not what you called me last night." She smirked.

Dinah panicked.

"What did I call you last night?" Dinah asked, worried about how she might've called her something stupid and ruined whatever it is they have.

"Something like 'oh god' or 'fuck yes', there might have even been a 'daddy' in there but that's Lauren's thing, not mine." Normani replied playfully, imitating Dinah's orgasm voice.

Dinah was bright red from embarrassment and anger.

"Oh my god, I fucking hate you." Dinah replied, turning her back to the girl allowing Normani to hug her.

Her bare chest to Dinah's bare back caused Dinah to shiver.

"No, you don't." Normani muttered and Dinah sighed, turning around in her arms.

"I don't." She confirmed.

"Good." Normani said using her hand to tilt Dinah's chin and pull her into a soft kiss. It wasn't harsh like last night, but the feelings were still there.

They pulled away panting heavily.

"Morning breath with a hint of alcohol. Hmm, lovely." Normani muttered.

"We're disgusting." Dinah grimaced.

"I know." Normani chuckled. After starting into each other's eyes for a while, Normani asked something that surprised them both.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

Dinah just gawked at her. Sure, she was hoping Normani would ask but not this soon.

"Isn't it kind of fast?" Dinah asked and regretted it when she saw Normani's face fall.

"Of course, yeah, what was I thinking. I'm so stu-" Normani started but was cut off by Dinah's lips on hers.

"You're not stupid. I just thought since we've only been really talking for a week, it all seems kind of rushed." Dinah clarified and Normani nodded.

"But when I'm with you, I get a rush." Normani smirked.

Dinah laughed. "Smooth."

They both laughed until it got quiet but it wasn't awkward. They just laid in each other's arms.

"Yes." Dinah said, breaking their silence.

"What?" Normani asked confused.

"Yes, I'll be your girlfriend." Dinah said causing Normani to squeal and jump on her.

"Now come on girlfriend, let's go see what our bestfriends are up to." Dinah said trying to sit up but Normani quickly pulled her back down and straddled her.

"They can wait a few minutes... Girlfriend."


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