Chapter 9

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"They're so cute."

"Jesus Christ, look at their asses."

"We've literally just started dating, Dinah."

"I'm joking! Besides -" *click* "-this is excellent blackmail material."

"Send me that, Lauren never cuddles."

Lauren woke up to the annoying voices of her best friend and girlfriend.

Well, the girl she's talking to since she didn't know about the two dating yet.

"Guyssss." Lauren whined.

"Fuck, she's awake. Gotta gooo." Dinah said, dragging Normani away with a yelp.

Lauren looked down at Camila who was still wearing the clothes from last night. Normally, any girl that she got into bed with would be naked and thoroughly fucked. But, Camila was different.

"Stop staring. It's weird." Camila muttered as she felt Lauren's gaze on her backside.

"Sorry. I just have to say-" Lauren started and Camila turned around to face her. "-that I finally got you into bed." Lauren said with a clever smile that Camila wanted to kiss away. So she did.

When they pulled away both girls smiled.

"You're gross. I like kissing you." Lauren mumbled shyly, covering her mouth.

"So are you. I like kissing you too." Camila grinned.

Of course things between them would be complicated and they don't want to discuss what's going on with the subtle kisses. So they didn't.

"C'mon loser, let's go see our best friends." Lauren said, pulling the girl up.

"Wait, I have an idea." Camila grinned.


Normani and Dinah had prepared a decent breakfast. They made pancakes and eggs with bacon while sharing small kisses and giggling to each other in between.

They were setting the table when Lauren walked out, her hair all messy, and not wearing the same clothes she fell asleep in.

An obvious hickey was on her neck that made both girls' eyes bulge out.

"Did they just..." Dinah muttered to Normani.

"While we were..." Normani replied but stayed quiet when Lauren sat down.

"Good morning guys." Lauren said with a huge toothless smile.

"What's making you so happy, Jauregui?" Normani asked curiously.

"Nothing." Lauren said, ducking her head in fake embarrassment.

The three were interrupted by Camila walking out... Wearing only one of Lauren's band shirts and underwear. 

"Good morning, babe." Camila practically moaned, sitting down on Lauren's lap.

The two then kissed so passionately that the couple watching felt heat straight to their core. They held onto each other's hands to stop from saying anything.

This was definitely surprising.

"Um-" Dinah tried to interrupt their make out session but Camila pulled away.

"I love you." Camila said, nudging Lauren's nose with hers. Lauren felt her heart beat faster at the admission.

"I love you too." And they continued kissing.

Dinah and Normani looked at each other wide eyed and stood up, preparing to leave the two alone before they started fucking on the table but that's when Camila broke character and started laughing.

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