Chapter 18

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"Camz, please stop!"

"Don't leave me!"

"Camila, no!" Lauren yelled, jolting herself forward.

Well, up and out of bed anyway.

She looked around and calmed herself once she realized that she was home and safe and Camila was perfectly fine.

The dream though, as much as Lauren didn't want to admit it meant one thing. She liked Camila as way more than a friend and did not want to lose her.

She needed to talk to someone, but she knew if she talked to Normani, it would be passed on to Dinah, who would tell Camila, and the other fuckgirl would not like the fact about how Lauren wanted more.

Lauren sighed and checked the time. It was 11:26 AM. Normani and Dinah were either in class or fucking. Camila was in class all day. That dream had Lauren shaken up, so she decided to skip her 1:00 PM class.

She needed to get out.

She got changed into black skinny jeans, combat boots and a simple oversized red sweater then grabbed her phone.


[11:45 am]

Lolo🙊: good morning babe, I hope you have an amazing day 😘

Satisfied, she went out and started walking. She was logical about the feelings for Camila surfacing, because it was bound to happen. How could they not?

She sighed as she found herself in front of the bakery where she first came with Camila and their mothers: Brooke's Bakery.

She walked in and the bell rang, signalling to the short owner that a new customer had arrived.

"Hello! Welcome to Brooke's- oh, hey Lauren." Ally greeted her with a genuine smile.

"Ally, right?" Lauren asked confused as to why she ended up here but once she felt Ally's happiness radiate into herself, she was more than happy to be there.

"Yup, that's little old me. What can I do for you?" Ally asked, already pulling out a muffin and making a fresh cup of coffee for Lauren. The morning rush was over and the first lunch customers wouldn't arrive for another half an hour.

"Hailee!" Ally shouted into the kitchen.

"What?!" A young looking girl, with brown hair and big brown eyes yelled coming out from the kitchen. She was taller than Lauren but that didn't stop Lauren from sending the mandatory smirk. Hailee blushed and looked down but Lauren caught herself. Hailee was cute, but she wasn't Camila.

"Run the counter, please!" Ally said before taking the muffin and coffee and leading Lauren over to a table. She sat down and placed the refreshments on the other side where the green-eyed girl would sit.

Lauren literally felt like she was in the presence of a mother, or a saint, or Jesus.

"You look troubled." Ally observed at firsthand. Lauren didn't know much about the girl. Just that it was her that practically brought Dinah and Normani together and therefore brought her and Camila together. Dinah and Normani spoke highly of her as well. Plus, she was a really good baker.

"I'm in trouble." Lauren mumbled to the girl that was basically a stranger.

"What's on your mind?" Ally asked intrigued by the girl's disposition.

Lauren sighed and figured it was better to tell Ally than Normani, who definitely wouldn't keep her mouth shut.

"You remember Camila?" Lauren asked and the short girl nodded.

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