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"Don't wake me up up upppp oohh don’t wake me uuuup" Chris Brown's voice blared through my speakers. "Ugh shit'" I muttered while  stumbling  to turn off my alarm. Ironic right? Having my alarm sing don't wake me up. Last night I barely got any sleep, I was to nervous  about the first day of school .Also being the 'New Girl'. New city,new friends (if I can make any), new school, Basically new everything. I actually wanted a fresh start it was just a bit overwhelming  starting a new life.

After my shower I kept my outfit and makeup simple, going for a more natural nude/pink look. Pulling my long, strawberry- blonde hair into a high ponytail and curling the ends. "Bells are you ready? Come on don't want to be late for the first day of school.' My brother hollered from downstairs. Checking myself in the mirror once more "Wow that’s a bit too low", I quickly changed out of my bra and replaced it with a lace ,light colored pink/cream colored bandeau. "COMING Daniel!" Grabbing my purse I proceeded to walk down the stairs .

"Ready for your first day of senior year?" Daniel said

"Puh-leasse I got this" putting on my shades

Daniel opened the door for me and I stepped into his black range rover. I have to admit even though he was two years younger than me he was a really mature, gentlemen. We always got along ,sometimes a fight here and there, but not many.  "Bro can we please stop by Starbucks, I need my caffeine" I begged

"Sorry no can do, we don't have the time Bells." I kind of gotten used to the nickname Bells it just kinda stuck to me. Most people call me Bella but my friends called me Bells. Scratch that my old friends, Now I'm seventeen thousand miles away from them. Jake break me out of my trance "So what's the plan for this year, huh?"

"umm I don't really know yet, have the best, most memorable last year of high school... I guess" I mumbled thinking about how I'll miss my friends back home so much

"Well you good luck because we're here" Daniel dropped me off at the front and went to go find a parking spot"

"Isabella?" The lady at the front greeted me

"Yes 'mam that's me" I smiled

"Since you're new, I have assigned a mentor. He will show you around the school, help you with locker troubles, take you to your classes, all that good stuff"   Somebody started to scream her name in the back and she started fast walk away from me

"Wait! What who is my mentor? I'm so confused, help!" But sadly I was interrupted by the loud bell and teenagers rushed out their classes to the busy hall. Looking into the crowd and seeing tons of people "So much for finding that mentor" I mumbled, starting to walk into the busy hall

"Wait! That's me" I heard a nasally voice call out. I turned around to see a boy wearing huge glasses,slacks,plaid button up and a sweater over his shirt, with his gelled hair slicked back. Mentally cringing ,I walked up to him. "Your my mentor?" I said

"Yes miss" while carrying an arm full of books

"Well…..I'm Isabella Monarch but you can call me Bella" Introducing myself

"Hi, I'm Marcel Clifford" putting his hand out

"Well nice to meet you Marcel' I shook his hand

"May I see you schedule, Isabella?'

"Oh yes,here you go" I took it out my bag and handed it to him.

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