Sitting alone, trying to remember
The reason I loved you in the first place
When all my memories were you tearing me down
Demeaning my very existence
Obliterating me down to nothing.
Im nothing.
Nothing but the girl who tried to love you
Tried to show you love in a cruel world
Bring up from to hell to show you that heaven is real
That you don't have to fight demons with demons
Because in the end, you'll still be stuck in hell
Your own personal hell.
But now I know why I loved you.
You had so much heart under all that hatred.
You felt deeper than anyone I've ever encountered.
You made me feel more.
Made me scream until my lungs burst
And my heart stopped beating.
You broke me.
But you made me fight for my humanity back.
You brought me back to myself.
You saved me.