Ciel and Emma [ part 2 ]

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"Do you like the breakfast?" Ciel asked.

"Mhm!" Emma had her mouth stuffed with pieces of pancakes.

He chuckled "Good. And guess what, I have a day off today. So the both of us can be together.. or at least the three of us.." He meant Alois as well.

Emma swallowed then asked "Who else?"

"Well.. Alois.."

She gasped "Alois!?"

"Yes, I'm afraid so.."

"I can't believe it.."

"I'm sorry I-"

"Now we'll have triple the fun!!!" She giggled.


"Alois is so kind to me! He always tells me on how much he likes you"

"H-he did!?!?"


'That damn Trancy..'

"And I feel the same! But I know I'm still too young to even date!" She kept giggling.

"You.. love me?.. Like.."

"Yes! Like mommy and daddy love each other" She smiles big with a pink blush on her cute cheeks.

Ciel started to feel heat.

"But I don't care if you're with someone you love, as long as you're happy! I'm happy!"

"I-I don't know what to say"

"You can say that you'll be happy!"

Ciel opened his mouth to speak but sighed "Thank you Emma" He says with a smile.

"You're welcome!"

"And I hope one day you'll find the perfect guy"

"Me too!" Emma giggled.

"But... if I weren't with Alois, would you still feel the same way and want to be with me or..?"

"I'd feel the same way but I don't care if I'm with your or not, like I said, as long as you're happy I'm happy" She smiled big.

"I'm glad to hear that then. Once we're done with breakfast, how about you and me go into town and buy you-"

"A new stuffed rabbit!?" She says with excitement.




Ciel and Emma were out the entire day, well almost.

But they had a very great time together.

The fact is that Alois couldn't even join them, so yay for them.

"It's too bad Alois couldn't be here..." Emma pouted.

"Well.. He did say he was going to do something spec-" Ciel stopped at mid sentence "Actually, I'll tell you when we get back.." He laughed nervously.

She pouted more.

"I promise"

"Fine.." She says with her arms crossed.

The bluenette chuckled "You're cute"

Emma's cheeks started to turn into a shade of pink/red, which made her smile big

"Yay!!" She says excitedly.

"I wonder when you're next grow spurt will be.." He whispers.


"Nothing, nothing.."

"Oh.. Ok.."

"Anyhow.. We're almost home"

"Really!?" She looked out the window.

They were passing through the woods. [ right? ] 

"Oh wow! Look! It's a crow!" She pointed

"Do you love birds?"

"Well I am a bird silly" She giggled "Remember, I can either be a raven like mommy or a spider like daddy"

"Oh, right. I forgot.. Hehe.."

'I wish I could turn into one.. being a human sucks..' Ciel thought.


Once they arrive, Ciel had covered Emma's eyes with his hands.

He had taken her back to her bedroom, which was different than before.

"Why are you covering my sighting" She whined.

"You'll see.." He smirked.


"Alois! Is it ready yet!?"

"It's been ready for the past ten minutes!"

"Ok! Ok! We're coming in!"

"What's with the secret!?" Emma yelled.

Ciel opened the door, removing his hand, and letting her walk in.

"See anything different?"

"No.. It's just the same..." She says.

Ciel chuckled "Well it's a big curtain in the way that looks like you're old bedroom but.." He removed the curtain "This is your new bedroom"

Emma gasped "OH! MY! GOD!"

It's all she's ever wanted, her walls decorated with dark blue, white, grey, black, red. Which indicated the dark blue for the night sky, the white for the stars and the moon, the grey for the rabbits (like the one Ciel gave her) black for the ravens, and red for the roses.

Her bed was all white, well almost, some of her pillows were black, along with the headboard.

Her carpet was a dark shade of blue.

Her furniture was white as well.


"Do you like it?"

"I don't like it.."

"You don't?"

"I love it!!!" She jumped up and down.

Now this was a very good day for her, she got to spend a day with Ciel, she got her room all decorated, what's next?

"Just wait until it's night, you'll get to see the stars shining, or at least glowing, like the ones outside, especially the moon"




"Also, you get your own bathroom"

"That too!?"


"I wanna go see! I wanna go see!" She ran off into the bathroom.

Once in there, the colors were white and a very light brown.

"It's amazing!" She giggled.

"I'm glad you love it"


She ran to both Ciel and Alois, hugging them both tightly "Thank you!"

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