Just play along

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Emma hugged Noah with a nervous laugh.

"Ehh... Who is this?..." Sebastian asked confusingly.

"This is Uhm... My uh boyfriend! Yea! My boyfriend! Hehe.."

Claude got irritated "For how long have the both of you been together then?.. I could smell his cent on you.."

"Well Uhm.. He's a demon like us.. And uh.. We've been together for uh.. A week!"

"Why don't we talk more later when dinner is prepared" Claude walked away.

Sebastian sighed "Now I know how parents feel when they see their son or daughter date someone.. I'm sorry about him leaving. We will see you later" He excused himself.

Once he was gone, they took deep breaths.

"Get off me you idiot.." He pushed her off.

"You're the idiot!"

"No you are!"

"No!! You!!"

"You're both idiots!!" Ciel spoke up.

"Wait.. Why am I still even here anyways!? I'm leaving!" He walked out on them angrily.

"And you better not do anything gross in there!!" He yelled.

"Eww.." Emma got a shiver.


"So this is your bedroom?.. Not what I would expect?" Noah chuckled as he sat down on her bed.

"What do you mean?"

"I thought it would be more girly. But it just looks like a regular room"

"Well if you should know. I was girly girly a long time ago but now I'm being like all normal.."

"Ha! I bet you wanted to have sex with other guys!"

"No I didn't!" She started to blush.

"Yea you did! I could see it all over your face!"

"Shut up!"

"You were turned on weren't you!? Haha!"

She pushed him down, hitting him with a pillow "Your such a dumbass!"

"Ah! Hey! Ok! Ok! I'll stop!"

"No you won't!"

"Yes I will! I promise!"

"For real? You promise?" She stopped hitting him.

"I just made you stop hitting me! Ha!"

"I hate you so much.." She hit him in the stomach.

"Ow, hey watch it"

"That's for making fun of my room.." She then kneed him in between his legs.

"Aah!! Ohh! What the hell!?"

"And that's for making fun of me.. Now then. If you'll excuse me, I'll be in the bathroom taking a shower. And if I ever see you peek in there once! I swear I'll kill you!"

"How can I when you kneed me in my balls" He was in pain.

"Good" She was enjoying this.


"Finally.. Some peace and quiet.." Emma stood in the shower, letting the water fall on her.

'I wonder what will happen if my parents found out I was lying..' She thought about it.

Let Me Dominate You [ Claude x Sebastian ]Where stories live. Discover now