ch 19

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Cookies pov /

The girls are staying at my house while lucious and that trick on his arm went to Atlanta for business. It's 6:00 am so I'm waking my girls up for school.

I walked in minis room and before I could get my words out she beat me to it "I'm up" she said sitting up. I laughed and walked to Meriah's room and opened her curtains exposing the sun shine

"Momma" she whined from under the blanket

"Get up my love" I said

"Okay close the curtains dang" she said hiding her head under the covers

"Girl just get up before I drag up ass outta this bed" I said

"Alright I'm up" she said sitting up and walking in her restroom and turning on the shower

I walked out and closed then door. I went in the kitchen an started making breakfast. My phone dinged telling me I had a text message

Michael 😈💧 ; hey Cookie , how would you like to do me the honor and taking my hand for dinner tonight ? 💗

Cookie 🌴 ; No

Michael 😈💧 ; Oh I'm sorry I asked

Cookie 🌴 ; I'm just kidding 😂 , of course I'll go to dinner with you mike

Michael 😈💧; I'll see you later beautiful 💗😌

I put my phone down and smiled I made my girls their plates and sat them on the table.

"Oh yes lord I'm so hungry" said Meriah coming in the dining room wrapped in her towel and one wrapped around her head to dry her hair.

"Girl go get dressed , that food still gonna be there when you get dressed" I said

"Uh ah momma cause its finna be cold and I'm gonna be mad if I gotta put it in the microwave" she said

( if you don't know what movie that's from , jus move 😒 )

"You sound just like lucious" I mumbled as I washed the dishes. Mini came out a few minutes later all dressed and ready to go.

"Where your clothes at" she asked looking at Meriah

"On my bed , I just wanted to eat first" said Meriah

"It's 6:59 , we got about five seconds" said mini

"Until what" I asked wiping off my marble countertops.

" three two one" Meriah counted down and that's when Meriah's phone rang , it was a face time.

She answered it putting the camera on herself

"Hello" she said with a mouthful of food

"Good morning baby girl" I heard trifling debutante say through the phone

"Hi" said Meriah still eating her food

"Chew with your mouth closed" said anika

"Too good not to show" said Meriah

"You are too much , where's your sister" she asked

"I'm right here mom" said mini taking the phone

It stung and cut me deep down hearing my girls call her mom , but I can't be mad I did it to myself , I'm the blame

"Hey baby , text me later okay" she said

"I will , love you" said mini

"Love you more" said anika

"Bye momma" said Meriah

"Bye I love you" said anika

"Love you too" said Meriah hanging up

" so ma , what's been up with you and dad" asked mini with a smirk on her face

"London don't start with me" I said trying to hold back my smile

"Oh I forgot , we never finished our conversation the other day" she asked eating her food

"And we're not going to finish it" I said

"What conversation" riah asked looking up from her phone

"Momma and daddy been being playing in the sandbox" said mini laughing

"Oop gotta blast" said Meriah grabbing her orange juice and her phone and walking to her room once we heard her door close mini started talking again

"Okay now that the children are gone let's get to the real stuff" she said putting her plate in the sink

"I'm not having this conversation with you" I said as I walked to my room

"Did you miss him" she asked following me

"I can't hear you , I'm allergic to my daughters noseyness" I said

"Cmon momma fill me in" she said until I closed my bedroom door in her face and locking it.

"Petty" she said

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