Chapter 6

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When I awoke the next morning, William was clinging to me.

"William," I said, shaking him softly.

"I don't want to get up, mommy." I froze. William thought that I was Elizabeth.

"William, get up." He slowly sat up and looked up at me with tired eyes.

"Come on, we're going to be pirates today." That perked him up. Soon we were downstairs eating breakfast.

"Grandma, guess what? Aunt Rosalie says that I'm going to be a pirate today!" My mother smiled at him as she placed oatmeal in front of him. She used to be a pirate before we were born which is how she met my father. She knew the thrill of it which is why she wanted us to become one. Now she's happy that William wants to. I guess children ruin any chance of being a pirate. Even Elizabeth couldn't be one.

After we had finished, we loaded the trunk into the carriage before getting in.

"William, we'll be riding for a long time. You can go back to sleep." Which he did, thankfully.


We began sailing as soon as we arrived, well actually after we got Gibbs. William took in all the sights, pointing at a seagull flying or a cloud that resembled an object. I walked up beside him.

"Hasn't grandpa Sparrow taken you out before?"

"Kinda. I've been out on his boat but we've never sailed anywhere." Just then, Jack came up from behind me.

"We'll be there by tomorrow." I nodded before heading back to my cabin. I laid down onto my back, thinking about Will. Those deep brown eyes, his curly hair that I wished to run my fingers through. And his body, I longed to cling to. I tried pushing the thoughts out but they didn't seem to want to go. Something must be wrong with me. This is Elizabeth's husband. These thoughts are horrible. Then I sat up quickly, about to puke either from the child or the thoughts, I did not know.


We walked onto The Flying Dutchman with both the chest and William but something was off I could just tell. I put a hand on the hilt of my sword.

"What's wrong?" Jack whispered but I quickly silenced him. I walked around the deck but saw no life.

"Is anyone there?" I called out. As if out of nowhere, a man came out with Will in a headlock. William went to run forward but Jack caught a hold of him.

"You must be Elizabeth," the man said.

"No. She's dead." I didn't dare to move.

"Okay then, where' the chest?"

"What chest?" I asked, playing stupid. The man glared at me with pure hatred as he walked up to me. With his fingers, he ran up my thigh.

"If you don't cooperate, there will be consequences." I leaned in and whispered,"So be it." In unison, we pulled out our swords.

***Sorry for it being late and short. If you want it out sooner, voting always helps. (You don't have too, though:) Also, the video in the side is hilarious.***

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