Chapter 7

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Again and again, our swords clashed but never managed to land a blow.

"Just give up, stupid girl!" the man spat at me before swinging his sword too close for comfort.

"Stop!" I screamed. The world froze after my outburst. The man had a look of pure hatred stuck on his face. Now, I'm not the one for killing someone without them feeling it. Better to let them suffer.

"I hauled the man's body out onto the plank.

"Go!" I yelled and the world began moving again. The man looked down in bewilderment while his crew made sounds of fear.

"You're a witch!"

"I prefer miracle worker but witch is fine," I replied snottily. "Now you are going to set an example and jump into the water then your crew will follow." Sounds of refusal erupted from the crew.

"Silence! If you don't, I will freeze everything and I'll throw you over myself with you bound."

"Fine but this will not be over!" the man shouted defiantly before plummeting into the water below.


About an hour after I had laid down, Will came in. He sat on the edge of the bed, messing with a loose string on his shirt. After a few seconds of silence, he cleared his throat and spoke.

"So, uh, Jack told me the news." I looked away, wanting to avoid the topic. Of course Will pushed on.

"Was it that guy I encountered when I first met you?" I nodded, still not looking at him because if I did, I might cry.

"Does Jack know who you got pregnant by?" he asked, cautiously placing his hands onto my stomach.

"No," I whispered before tears welled up in my eyes.

"Look, I know that you are scared but you have to tell Jack. He's your brother." I scoffed.

"Like Jack would understand. He would call me weak." Will gave me a sympathetic look before standing. He went to walk away but I grabbed his hand.

"Please stay. I can't be alone with my own thoughts. Without even considering it, he took off his boots and slid under the covers beside me.

"Sweet dreams, Rosalie."


I woke up with Will's hot breath on my neck and his arms protectively around me. I didn't want to admit that I enjoyed it but I did. A lot. I tried to move out from under him but he grabbed on tighter to me. Giving up, I snuggled in closer to him. I began to doze off again when the cabin door opened and in ran William. He stopped in his tracks when he saw Will and I together. I thought he would freak out but instead he took off his shoes and crawled in the middle. It felt like we were a family, which I felt ashamed of. This was Elizabeth's family, not mine. Except Elizabeth is no longer here so I don't think it would matter too much. Soon William was snoring along with Will. I don't know how long I laid like this but I knew that it was noon by the time Will pulled away from us. He looked over at me, our eyes locking. For a few minutes, we held our gazes before he broke them.

"I have to, uh, direct this ship," he said before quickly leaving the cabin. I looked down at the sleeping boy, shaking him awake. He sat up with a jolt, looking around.

"Where's dad?" he asked groggily.

"He went to direct the ship. Put your shoes on then you can join him." He did then left. I put on my clothes and headed out onto the deck. Jack was drinking whiskey from the bottle, his other hand steering while singing a song. I shook my head in amusement. Jack was always strange even when we were kids. I then headed over to where Will was giving orders to his crew.

"Now, if she wants water, give her water. If she wants food, give her food. Anything she wants, she will get."

"That must be a pretty special girl," I said, smirking. Will's cheeks reddened in embarrassment before regaining his composure.

"You have a baby to think about so I think that you only deserve the best." I rolled my eyes. If Jack found out, he would be laughing at me to no end. Will then dismissed his crew.

"So what are my orders, captain?" He looked over at me, smiling.

"Carry the baby, obviously." I frowned.

"But I'm bored," I said, whining. Will rolled his eyes at me.

"Use your magic and get The Pearl then go onto land. Have fun but you have to take Jack with you." I thanked him before calling for the ship. In a few minutes, it appeared. Jack quickly grabbed the wheel and started towards shore.

✓ тнe capтaιn'ѕ нoѕтage(Will Turner/Pirates of The Caribbean fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now