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Ash's P.O.V.
I walk into the cafeiteria, a group of girls surrounding me. "They are so annoying!" I whisper to Pikachu who nods sypathically. Through a gap in the circle I see that girl. It's driving me crazy! How do I know her? It suddenly clicks. "That summer camp." I murmur a bit to loudly. "What?" They ask confused. "Um... Excuse me for a second." I say gently pushing my way through the gap.

I walk up the row leading up to her table in the corner. Her friend sees me and looks away. I ignore the critizizimis of people and lightly tap her on the back. "Sorry, can I talk to you a minute?" I ask. She looks from me to her friend back to me. "Sure." She says almost chocking on her words. She blushes as I take her hand and lead her from the cafeiteria.

People all around us give us looks and 'loudly' talk about us. We walk out the main doors and walk circles around the building.
"Summer camp, eleven years ago, you were-" "five." She finishes my sentence. "You remember!" She said enlightend and beaming. "Yeah... How's that knee of yours?" "Oh... um... yeah it's okay."

We passed the window to the cafeiteria and Serena's friend had her face pressed against the window holding her thumb up.

Serena's P.O.V.
As we passed the cafeiteria window Sophie had her face pressed against the window holding her thumb up at me. "What are you doing!" I mouthed. Ash looked at her to me and I grabbed his hand and I lead him elsewhere.

"So I know it's your first day and all but how're you finding Kalos?" I asked as we sat beneath an Oak tree. "It's cool but I haven't been in a battle yet." "Oh ya you must be itching for a battle." "Yeah." He sighed. "I don't even know where any of the gyms are!" He groaned. "I know a place." I piped up. "Meet me here after school!" "Okay?" He asked suspiciously. The bell rang for the start of afternoon classes and we walked inside.

Any guesses to where this 'place' might be???? See you guys later!!!

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