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So for the battle just watch the battle between them in the anime ✌ and thanks for almost 170 reads!! Thats absolutly amazing! Thanks :)

Serena's P.O.V.
I woke to my alarm radio and turned in my bed to see the time. 06:00 it read. I sighed as I got dressed and listned to the DJ.

"Good Morning central Kalos! I hope you're all fine on this snowy morning-" Wait. Did he say 'snowy' ? I walk to my window and pull back the curtains. About two inches of snow is covering the ground and af few little children are playing in it.

"But it never snows here!" A mom said to another mom as she watched her child. "I heard from Olivia that an Articuno flew over Kalos last night." Another mom said joining the group. "But what would an Articuno be doing here? It's too warm."

I shrugged it off and looked back at the time 06:10 it read. I gotta get into something warm... I raided my closet for warm clothes and found a winter jacket from when we went skiing last year. When I looked back at the time it was 06:50 school starts at 07:00! I grabbed my bag and my Pokéball which was on my bedside cabnet and began to run down the street.

Snow fell and gently landed on the floor. I crunched my way through the snow and arrived at school to see a notice on the main door.
School will not commence today because of weather issues. Sorry for any inconvienence caused.

"Great. Got up at 06:00 a.m. for nothing." I mumbled. "Hey!" A boy called to me as he crunched through the snow also. I turned and saw Ash and blushed slightly. He was in a blue snow jacket, wore the same pants, shoes and hat. Pikachu had ear muffs and gloves on his feet.

"Hey." I greeted him. " 'Sup?" He asked. "Um... Schools out." I said trying to sound cool. He looked at the sign I was pointing to. "And I can't go back home 'cause my mom's at work and I don't have a key!" He groaned. "You... you can come to my house?" I sugested without thinking twice. "Would that be okay?" He asked. "Sure." I said waving my hand.

By the time we got to my house it had stopped snowing but there was still thick snow on the ground. I knocked on the door and my mom answered. She looked from me to Ash and back to me. "Mom, this is Ash and his mom isn't at home so he can't get in so I thought he could stay here for a while?" "So you're the Ash i've heard so much about!" She said smiling to Ash. "You... have?" He asked. "You don't need to know about that!" I said hastily pushing him and Pikachu inside.

I then commence to push them up the stairs. "Nice to meet you Mrs. Yvonne!" He calls down.

We just sat on my bed watching Fenniken and Pikachu play and talked until 16:00. Ash looked at the clock and saw the time. "I better go." He said disappointed. He walked to my bedroom door then without warning let go of the door knob and ran to me and kissed me. His cold lips intwined with my warm ones. He placed his cold hands on my cheeks and I placed my arms around his middle.

When we next looked at the time it was 16:30. Can you kiss someone for that long? Well if it's true love I guess you can. As we broke apart he said "D'you wanna... I dunno... get a pizza sometime?" "Sure." I replied warmly he smiled and I saw him out the door.

Ash's P.O.V.
"She feels the same about me after all this time!" I said happily to Pikachu who was walking down the street beside me. All the snow was almost gone with little patches lying around. I lost myself in my thoughts and wondered onto the road without thinking. "Pika Pi!!!!" Pikachu yelled bringing me back to reality. Then a felt a huge force banging against me which sent me soaring into the air. I then smacked off the cold floor.

Everything was black. I couldn't open my eyes. Then I felt a drop of water in my mouth and I couldn't think, hear, see or feel.

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