chapter 6

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Percy's pov..

The time I spent with Artemis, was peaceful. Though she had something on her mind, and was acting a bit strange.
Hunt keeps starting at me, judging me.
"okay everyone, we will set the camp here, secure the parameter, get some wood, hunt some rabbits, prepare the tents". She said in a beautiful voice
She then walked up to me, and said "do you have your tent, and will you stand guard, while I check the arrangements angel".
I nodded, as she started Walking I took her arm and stopped her, she gave a questioning glance
"don't go to far, atleast not alone." I told her she was pissd yet...happy! She nodded her head once then left.
Suddenly I heard a loud panting, and footsteps. Something was wrong, I saw a hunter looking around..around for Artemis! I started making my way towards her, when I saw Thalia come running toward her.
"what's wrong, Jenna?"
"I..I saw a large army of monsters and two titans 4 miles up west" She replied
"that's not good, thals it's better to round up the Hunt, I advice you take the most skilled hunters with you, and bring the members who went to hunt, and Jenna do a count of everyone, tell everyone to have a weapons at ready, but do not fight until absolutely necessary, okay. Go now hurry you two".
I was scared of this happening, but not this early.
Shit Artemis went alone, gods know where.
I see the hunt passing scared glances to each other. It's been 7 Minutes, when finally Thalia comes back with a few girls. Good.
"Thalia, Artemis is still not back yet! And I can't let anyone of you go searching for her. I'll go, but I suggest you take the hunt forward stay hidden and stay together at all times no matter what, I was afraid of this happening, they are trying to get the hunt out of the way, my army should arrive some time tomorrow, but till then, we have to stay Alert". I told her my suspicions
"okay you too take care, and bring arty back, and hurry. Everyone keep moving forward" I heard her say.
With that I concentrated on any godly aura, near the titans. Styx! I ran and ran so hard towards her, finally I sensed her near. I saw a shadow behind a tree, near the creek.
I went towards her, I was just about to alert her off the titans, when she nearly jumped in shock and was about to scream when I brought her body flush against mine, and brought my hand on her mouth, I whispered about the titans in her ear, when I took notice of her clothes, or the lack of it Styx chaos! She was taking a bath in the creek, and was currently only in a single silk cloth, barely covering her last parts, it was too short. Thank goodness for the dark!
I suddenly heard a faint voice of!
Artemis was slack against me, I wasted no time in gathering her clothes, then picking her up bridal style and running the Hades away.
She shivered when I picked her up, was about to say something when I managed to to say ' no talking moon face'
I quickly covered 3 miles north then a mile south east then another north, to set up a wrong trail, then sprinted east.

The moon was shining brightly making Artemis glow and blush but she kept her eyes closed she was shivering ever so lightly, that one again made me remember her lack of clothes, I fought to urge to look at her body, smelling so delicious! Wait what...

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The moon was shining brightly making Artemis glow and blush but she kept her eyes closed she was shivering ever so lightly, that one again made me remember her lack of clothes, I fought to urge to look at her body, smelling so delicious! Wait what, shit! I'm attracted to a goddess, that too moon face! I'm so dead!

Artemis pov..

I just finished my bath to help relax, I have been thinking about percy a lot.
I was just drying my body, when someone came behind me, I could only cover my feminine parts, I was about to scream when he brought me flush against him not a millimetre of space between us , my breath caught and before I could register he put his hand on my mouth, then whispered something about titans and monsters near, but I could only think of his seductive voice, his hard body and his breath against my skin! Wait seductive voice..Styx percy!
He took my clothes and lifted me in his arms, strong arm's! I was about to say something, when he said something like 'no talk moon face' and I nearly melted again!

He took off running, leaving a false trail behind, I shivered suddenly and my mind registered the position I was in, making me blush uncontrollably ,i shivered yet again and closed my eyes, the cloth was slowly slipping away due to running and light breeze, almost showing my hard and erect nipple's, I opened my eyes to find him looking down at me- my eyes.
Never in my whole existence have I felt like this, my heart was beating so loud, and whole body was glowing in moonlight, my cheeks were painfully red. And I couldn't break the eye contact we were having, my body was all tingling and aroused, because of him being so near. I hardly payed attention to the silk cloth, as it fell down my breasts. But what amazed me the most was that he kept looking at my face, and ever so lightly took hold of the silk and brought it against my breasts, touching my sensitive nipple's, making me shudder at the touch of his cold soft long fingers and making me release a long loud pure pleasure filed moan, my body to start shivering, making him hold the cloth tight against my breasts, as i let out yet another loud moan, this time though his breathing became fast and he let out a grunt, then pushed me against his chest, I blushed.
He walked for nearly for another 20 minutes, then ever so slightly adjusted the silk, gave me my clothes, closed his eyes brought his lips near my ear then said "cover yourself moon, I'll bring my wings out that will give you privacy, I'll keep my eyes closed, and please don't go anywhere" with that he brought his wings out, wrapped them around us, looked at me one more time, that made me shiver. Then ever so gently put me down and closed his eyes, giving me enough privacy and security. I wore my clothes as fast as I could, and nearly fell in the process, only to hear a chuckle as he caught me around my lower waist, I shivered and he made a sound so intense, I gulped!
I finished getting dressed, and taped his shoulder.
He looked at my face then gave me his hand, "come moon, we have to find the hunt they should be near". He said
We walked in silence for around another 20 minutes when he asked "moon are you okay, you are really very quiet, I'm sorry if I was ummm...."
"it's alright angel, you did nothing wrong..."I managed to say. "we are almost there, I can sense their aura". "hmmm" I replied still so lost in what happened earlier. Soon we could hear the hunt, we made our way towards them, only then I noticed that we were holding hands, I felt him squeeze my hand one then let go, I felt cold. But moved forward to Thalia who was talking to percy.
"thanks guardian" She said.
Then she came running at me and hugged me tight, as if afraid something happened to me. "I'm fine Thalia, I hope everyone else is too and there was no problem" I asked, my voice still shaky
"no were are all fine, Jenna informed of the threat so we moved" She said

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