chapter 26

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Percy's pov..
On the way to Alaska...

' boss I want donuts....I'm hungry!' comes an annoying voice in my head

"stop whining blackjack, you had one just an hour ago, I'll give you one when we reach." I sigh

' but boss, I'm a growing Pegasus....I need to eat more' blackjack smarts out..

"fine ill get you your carrots and haé. Just look for a landing, and you can eat healthy food.!" I replied with a smirk.

'your right boss, I should not eat too much, I'll wait till we reach.' he replied quietly.

' my lord, we can smell some monsters ahead' one of the camp Pegasus said.
"thank-you, my friend.." I said

"okay so I think we should get in pairs of two or three...leave the Pegasus at a safe distance..then walk or fly or travel through tress..." I said to everyone.

"we should, but first let's make some signals, for attack, or retreat, or run and hide, or something." Klaus proposed..

"let's go with seasons or movies...... we already have color's and junk food in army and headquarters.." Luke suggested

"sure let's do movies...and choose something with the
fast and furious for run and hide
Mission impossible for retreat
Finding Nemo for locating the captives
Sleeping beauty if they are injured
Pirates for help
Lord of the Rings to attack
Cinderella for completing the mission.
Or something." I said thinking.

"seems fine to me right now, and we should not wait in one place..." Luke said to which everyone nodded.

"now let's make two groups...3 each" will said.

"hmmm let's see, Nico and Thalia with me, and Luke, Klaus and Will in another.
Stay together, under no circumstances give away your positions.

You only leave if you'll be able to get away. And or are with captives, and can easily get them away. if so, get them all on Pegasus and tell them to go at a safe place camp or Olympus.
And then you shout Cinderella.

The rest slowly retreat and we'll leave then, but till then stay in trees." I said giving one last advice.

They all nodded and started to walk in from two different sides.

At first no one noticed us, we used that too our advantage..we easily entered the dungeons...our scent neutralised, due to the new invention of bunker 9. A scent neutraliser.

Getting in was easy..locating them was easier, they were not prepared for this, or they are doing something,...!

We killed the guards before they could notice us.
Luke broke the chains, Klaus helped them stand, and will treated them....while thalia and nico played guards, and I killed the monsters close by...
Once they were all given a first aid, I turned to luke and Klaus..

"listen luke Klaus, you take 4, with you...gods and titans first. Fly!
Nico I'll create a shield around you, then you try to shadow traveling, and take the remaking with you, Thalia you can mist travel right, you take will with you." I told them.
"but Percy..."

"You guys go find the Pegasus and leave.
I'll bring the rear, I'll look for anyone else good in this place. And then I'll create a distraction, and leave. Saving them is very important at the moment.
And this way the monsters can't catch you....and it's an direct order." I said in a stern voice

"okay, but you better not start having fun alone, and come back soon or we are coming back again." My cousins bossed me.

"fine, when you'll leave Alaska you will find Hermes and Apollo On the outskirts. Apollo will heal you all, and Hermes will help in transporting you all to let's not wait any more time."

With that said I created a force shield around nico, he grabbed as many as he could...then shadow traveled away. Thalia took hold of will's shoulder and traveled away...Soon they all left.
I heard Cinderella and donuts in my head. Blackjack'!

Will's pov..

I knew Percy's fatal flaw was loyalty as a demigod...but he is still loyal and fierce...a natural born leader.
I do hope he is safe and returns quick.

Well everyone is here, including dad and Hermes.
' so he'll join us in camp soon I hope....he told us not to waste time and leave as fast as possible" Luke said
"and he mentioned it being too easy, so he asked to alert the camp of any sort of surprise attack." Klaus continued.
"let's go, we'll talk when we reach the safe borders. And mother Rhea and others need rest. We are to use Poseidon, Hera and Hestia's cabin."
Luke finished.

"very sun chariot is waiting....well mini bus at the moment." Apollo said.

Hermes pov..
He sure is man of his words..he is incredible.

Apollo's pov..
He did sent them all to safety, and for that he stayed behind, I know he is going to kill them...
Well as many as he can get some peaceful time.
He promised me, he will get back safe, or it will hurt Artemis..
Oh he is whipped!

Percy's pov...

After everyone left, I searched for a while, then started killing monsters, yet not giving away my position..
Well if I do, I can get hurt....and arty will feel it...

Soon I killed nearly all the monsters...I tried finding some information by listening to them.
I could only hear snippets..not important

Then I took off and started killing monsters again, but two managed to get my left shoulder and ribcage from behind...but then I got mad, and destroyed their base.

When I could no longer see a monster in my sight...I tried looking for any other prisoners...and this time I did found two. A demigod and a satyr.
I went towards them. Broke the chains and fed them a bit of ambrosia.
The demigod was way off me, but the satyr bowed.

"lord Perseus, thank you for saving us, but there are others....two cells actually.
One of titans and minor gods...other of demigod's... Please save them first, before it's too late!" he said worried

"if you're talking about mother Rhea and the ones with her, they are safe...but can you please do a search around if you can find a presence around." I asked

"sure lord, just a minute." and with that he closed his eyes and took a large breath.
"it's empty, except for a few monsters..." he replied

"thank you, now can you walk or" I asked, they shook their heads.

"it's okay then hop on my back. I'll carry you two to a safe distance then to the camp." I said
They jumped on my back. I then took off towards the camp.
It was dark, we did not stop....I did not stop.
We were near the camp, but I was tired from the fight, and to carry two teens.
I thought about Artemis, and kept going further.
Soon I was greeted by an arrow.

"okay you two, we are at the borders. It's near dinner. Go on.." I said to the demigod.

"you answer to me! you *punch* arrogant *kick* selfish *slaps* man. You said you won't get hurt! *hitting chest* I felt your pain. I was scared for you." Artemis said while hugging the life out of me.

"sorry my moon, I am late but I found two other captives. And how is mother Rhea and others?" I asked

"waiting for you..." She replied

"okay, then let's go and get this over with. I want to spend time with you.....I missed you love, and I'm sorry......sorry for worrying you." I said.

"let's go moon, we should not keep them waiting any longer."

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