Meeting the mystery

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" I am constantly torn between killing myself and killing everyone around me. Those seem to be the two choices, everything else is just killing time. "

~ Ryan ~

' Hey man, you need a hand? That chick got you pretty bad. ' stated Sean, a jock from my Accounting class. 'Sure' I stated, even as I was being hoisted up.

'So what just happened, I mean one second Im grabbing for a hot girl, and the next thing I know, I'm flat on my back? I mean I know I'm new here but I doubt its customary here to go ninja on anyone who tries to thank you.'

'Oh that's Iris. Her mom died when we were in the sixth grade or something and since then it's like she flipped or something you know. Stopped hanging out, smiling, talking...the works. Though she's always been really smart, the class whizkid by a longshot. All those brains coupled with those killer looks makes for a bombshell, but this one's wired to detonate at any given time. Never dates, barely looks at anyone and does'nt do socializing. Does'nt like being touched either.' Sean smiled.

'Dont get me wrong man, she's not a snob. She's the go-to girl if you need help with homework and if you talk to her she'll reply if she has'nt zoned out. But she answers in monosyllables and her voice is totally emotionless. We' ve pretty much stopped trying to to her, I mean there's only so much bruising a guy' s ego can take right.' Sean laughed, cutting off the rest of his tirade.

We kept up the meaningless chatter throughout lunch but my mind was still occupied with thoughts of Iris. So far I know she's gone through tough times, is smart, beautiful, anti-social and completely capable of beating me up and castrating me, if pushed.

I cant seem to get her face out of my mind, how her eyes seemed so full of pain. That and the bruises I have from our last encounter. Damn can that girl hit!

I get home and I've barely removed my shoes when my twin brother and sister come barreling towards me.

'Mum, I'm home.' I shout out.

'How was your day honey? How are your teachers? Did you get into trouble? I hope not. I raised you better. Did you eat. Oh my poor baby you must be starving.'

I chuckle and reply 'Breathe mum, school was fine and I'm not in trouble but I'm absolutely famished so lets hold the questions for now and have dinner first yeah?'

The next morning I've decided to befriend Iris. I'm going to ask my math teacher to assign her as my home tutor.That way she cant possibly avoid me. I dont know why but I have this urge to get to know her better and I'll be damned if I dont atleast try.

Mr. Steele, our math teacher tells me to stay put after class so that I can be introduced to my tutor. After class when he breaks the news to her she gets that deer-in-headlights look for a second and I feel a little sorry for her, I mean her own workload is enough as it is without having mine piled up on her too but the arrangements have been made, albeit reluctantly and there' s no backing off. At the end of the day, I catch up with her in the school parking lot.

'Follow my car.' she adresses me for the first time and I sheepishly respond that I did'nt bring my car today. She says nothing and walks forward and like a lost puppy I follow her to her truck. I look towards her and it seems as if she is debating something but finally shrugs and tells me to get in.

I do so and I am immediately aware of how immaculate the inside of her truck is. Not a thing is out of place and the dash seems as if its been polished recently. I feel small again ( I realize thats usually the case when I'm in her presence though my experiences are very limited) and feel as if I might get her car dirty by merely breathing. I discreetly check the soles of my shoes to make sure I have'nt tracked mud in her car and when I look up she's giving me a quizzical look, as if she's the one trying to figure me out. Ironic. She looks away and revs up the engine. Monster by skillet starts playing and I find myself wondering what else she likes other than that but I fail to find even a stray cd case. In this car I realize I'm hard pressed for personal effects and let the matter drop. After all, there will be plenty of time for such things later on.

The quiet soon becomes awkward as she gently maneuvers the car along the streets. 'So, skillet...' I begin awkwardly and a non-commital shrug is my only response. I give up on conversation and look around to notice that she's driving up my street when she slides into a driveway a mere three houses from mine. I tell her my observation and am rewarded by a nod. How, I wonder will I ever learn anything about her or Math if she refuses to speak to me? If I flunk math, my mother is going to neuter me. I need a good grade to get into a decent college and math is my weakest link. Maybe this was'nt such a good idea after all.

"A.N: Ryans p.o.v. what did you guys think? Vote.Comment.Follow or plain p.m me for comments,queries or a chat. Until next time =).

Book of the chapter: The fault in our stars by John Green :) .

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