Raelynn's pov
I turned to Cordelia who was currently clinging on to Harry's arm and looking at me with her damn puppy dog eyes. Geez her big eyes melted me every time I saw them. Ughhh... I heard the door open, I looked over to see Jennifer walk into the room, omg! I swear that girl can read my mind! She has always had perfect timing. She smiled at me, but as I glanced back to Harry I noticed his focus was still completely on me, I don't think he even noticed that she had even entered the room. He started talking, bit his eyes never left mine "Delia how bout you go with aunt Jen to get some ice cream, mommy and I need to talk"... Hmm I guess he has noticed... Cordelia looked up at Harry. "No, I don't wanna leave, you might not be here when I come back" she said while she crossed her arms. "Delia I promise I'll be here when you get back" "pinky promise?" "Pinky promise!". Cordelia hugged Harry, while Harry kissed her head. "Now you go get some ice cream" and with that Cordelia hopped off Harry's lap and was out the door.
With everyone gone, Harry's focus was back on me. "Why?" I looked at Harry with a confused expression. "Why what?", "why can't I be apart of my daughters life?". "Cause you don't know how to be a father!". "Oh come on Lynn, I can learn!". "Harry, the people you hangout with... Their scary people! Their into drugs and drinking!!!... I don't want or need my daughter anywhere near that stuff". "I can drop them, I'll leave them and be a father to Delia" . "Stop calling her that! Her name is Cordelia! And no Harry. You were different before. You actually cared bout people and life, but now your just throwing your life away... I don' t need to raise 2 kids, I already have my hands full with Deli... Cordelia". "If I could change my past, I would change everyday that I made you upset, every time I said the wrong thing. I'm sorry Lynn". "I don't know what to say". "Then say, I can come back with you and start over, say that I can be a father to my daughter, say that you will give me one more chance, not a chance to be with you in a romantic way, but a chance to be a part of my daughters future... Please Lynn?". "I don't know Harry, give me time to think about it". "What ever you need". I faintly smiled at him.
We made small talk until the doctor walked in, he started checking all the monitors that were still hooked up to me, and recording the results on his forms... Harry and I just sat there kinda awkward like... Well till the doctor started talking to me. "so in bout an hour or so ill have the nurse check out your wounds". "okay, when ever you have time" I smiled... Once he left, I could feel eyes on me, specifically, sparkleing emerald eyes, that could melt someone if they looked into them for to long. "Hey Lynn.." he smiled, "Yeah" ."um, I... Well I...It will be different this time, I'll be different... I promise". "Don't promise to be different Harry, promise to be you, the you that I've always loved".
Harry's pov
"I promise lynn"... We were starring into each others eyes. Lynns hand raised up to my face, her thumb stroked my cheek lightly. I started to lean down towards her. She started to lean up, we'll she did until Jen walked in! Omg that girl needs better timing!... We both kinda leaned away and she let her hand drop.
"Daddy... Mommy!!! We are back!!!, yay daddy you not gone". I smiled and turned around to face my little angel. She ran to me and jumped so I caught her and placed her on my lap. "didn't I tell you I was gonna be here" I said while poking her stomach. She giggled and smiled at me with a big chocolate smile that reached from ear to ear. "Guess what kind of ice cream I got daddy?". "Was it.... Vanilla?". "Hahaha no!!!" "Was it...bubblegum?". "Noooo, it was chocolate!" Hahaha she's so cute!
My phone started ringing, I looked down at my screen.... "Umm I gotta take this... I'll be right back"...

Guardian Angel
FanfictionRaelynns life.... She was a normal 20 year old, except for the fact that she had joined the F. B. I when she was 16, and she was a special agent in the behavior analysis unit... Well actually, she wasn't that normal, when she was in high school s...