Harrys pov
~On the phone ~
Harry: hello
Zayn: Harry, you gotta get down here now!
Harry: umm I shouldn't leave... Why whats going on???
Zayn: your little sister, Blair got into a fight at school, she has some miner injuries, nothing serious, but they won't release her from the police department
Harry: shit! Damn well that girl needs to get better timing, I'll be right there Zayn, stay with her though please?
Zayn: umm yeah sure whatever you need
Harry: I'll be there in 10 min
I hung up the phone and walked back in to Lynn's room. "who was that Harry?", " umm that was Zayn, my sister got herself into trouble, I gotta slip out for a few minutes". Lynn gave me her 'of course you do, it's typical' face, ughhh "I'll only be a few min, I just have to sign some papers for her, I promise I'll be right back". "fine then Harry, go". She said with a understanding but still annoyed facial expression."thanks love"
At the police department
I ran in and looked around for Blair. It was a small room, with 3 people sitting in the chairs around the room. The walls were a faded brown, it looked like sh*t. I glanced up and I got a weird look from the lady at the desk. "may I help you sir" she said consciously, "yeah im here to get my little sister". "name?", "Harry Styles". She rolled her eyes... "her name?" "ohh, Blair Styles". "ahh yes, wait here, I'll get the papers"... She spun around and grabbed the papers from the desk behind her. "here, sign where there are highlights", "okay, thanks".
I turned around to walk to my seat and as I walked towards it I noticed Zayn at the entrance... I nodded to him, and he left. To be honest he prefers to be as far away from this place as possible.
It took me about five minutes to sign all the sheets. When I was finally done I rushed back up to the desk and gave them to her. Once she was done taking her precious time checking them, she looked up at me again "I'll get someone to bring her out", "thank you"... She said that like my sister was a dog of some sort, if she has one more rude comment about the situation, im gonna be the one needing to get bailed out.
A tall dark skinned police man brought my sister through the door. She turned to him "thank you sir". I nodded once at him "hey Paul, thanks for looking out for her back there", "no problem man, what are family for", I smirked at him. As soon as I turned back to my sister, I was greeted with a big hug, so I wrapped my arms around her to. When she pulled away I could see a tear about to escape her eye. I wiped it away with my thumb, "it's okay, you're safe now Blair". She clung to my side as I walked her out to my car.
Once we were in my car, she turned to me again. "so how have you been?", "well let's recap shall we?....I just bailed my little sister out of jail, and it's the first time I've seen her in 4 years... How do you think I've been doing?". "im sorry Harry, I..I...im" "save it, where do you need to be dropped off?". "do you know what day it is?", "of course, it's February14". "no I.meant..." "yes Blair, I know that today is the day that our parents died 4 years ago, that's not something you can just forget... It's also the day that I lost my only love, and it was all because of that damn night! I just had to go out and drink...". I hit the steering wheel with my fist. "Harry it wasn't your fault, you didn't know how to handle the pressure". I let out a sigh, "so where are you living now Blair?". "umm, well...", "umm well what?". "ummm...", "please tell me you didn't run away from your foster parents". "im sorry...", "dammit Blair!...". "I.want to stay with you Harry, your 18 now, you can keep me under your roof". "well my 'roof' is gonna be put up for sale soon, im moving in with Raelynn". "omg, you're back together! That's great!", "no we aren't... Umm by the way, your an aunt". "you're a father!!!???", "yup, that's why im moving in with her again", "ohh, well can I at least come see her?"... I rubbed my fingers through my curls and sighed. "fine, but im not saying yes to you living with us, that's for you and her to discuss... Ohh and by the way, she was shot, so she's in the hospital right now". "okay, I'll talk to her"... "then let's go".
I turned around and started driving back to the hospital... Raelynn is gonna kill me!

Guardian Angel
FanfictionRaelynns life.... She was a normal 20 year old, except for the fact that she had joined the F. B. I when she was 16, and she was a special agent in the behavior analysis unit... Well actually, she wasn't that normal, when she was in high school s...