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"Today is the day" I say to myself as I woke up. It's reaping day, and I'm going to volunteer. My boyfriend, Max, and I have a plan to possibly stop the games and make sure nobody gets killed and nobody gets turned into a vicious killing monster. Our plan is to tell all of the tributes and their mentors to not kill anybody. We aren't sure if it was going to work, but we were gonna try.

I look over at one of my younger sisters, Jade. She's 12, which means it's her first year to go to the reaping, but luckily she won't get reaped, since I was volunteering. She is the only one who knows about my plan to volunteer.

I have 4 sisters and 2 brothers, and Jade is the one that is closest to me. I'm the oldest and shes the 2nd oldest. There's me Ellie, Jade, Ethan, who's 10, Calista, who's 8, Delia, who's 6, Ryan, who's 5, and Angel, who's 3. The only bad thing about volunteering, is that if my plan doesn't work, I might never see them again.

"Ellie! Jade! Time to eat! You have to be at the square in an hour!" I hear my mom yell. Jade and I are always the last 2 sleeping.

We both got up and ran down the stairs to the kitchen. For breakfast, we are having bread and milk. We both ate super fast and then ran upstairs to get ready. We both got our baths and got dressed. I wore a purple dress and Jade wore a yellow one. I did her hair in a bun and she did my hair in a braid.

We both say goodbye to our siblings and our mother even though they would be at the reaping. My father died a year ago in another mining accident.

Jade and I both walk down the street together.

"Are you sure you want to volunteer?" Jade asks.

"Yes, because if my plan works, we might never have to do this again," I say.

"But if you die, I don't know what I'll do without you. You're my big sister and you're the only person I can talk to about stuff," she says with tears in her eyes.

"I'll miss you too, Jade, but trust me, my plan will work," I say as we passed Max's house.

"You ready," Max says, catching up to us.

"Yeah," I reply.

He notices how sad Jade is, so he picks her up and put her on his back, since she was so small. He treats her like a sister.

We finally arrive at the reaping, which was in the square, the nicest part of district 12, since it was designed for capitol events.

We get our fingers pricked then go to our sections. Jade goes to the 12 year old section, Max goes to the 16 year old boy section, and I go to the 16 year old girl section and stand next to my best friend Cara.

They play the usual boring capitol video about the rebellions and the treaty of the treason and the games.

"Welcome, Welcome." says our escort, Effie, "The time has come to select our male and female tributes of district 12 for the 82nd annual Hunger Games! As usual, ladies first."

She walks over to the big bowl marked girls and picks a card.

I thought about not volunteering, until,

"Jade Draylene"

I have to volunteer now

"I volunteer!" I scream as my sister walks to the isle

"I volunteer as tribute," I say again, walking up to the stage. At least now I have an excuse why I volunteered.

"Well, this is wonderful," said Effie, "what is your name, young lady?"

"Ellie Draylene," I said, " and I'm 16"

"Wonderful, another volunteer from district 12," she says. Ever since Katniss volunteered for her sister, we've had almost as much volunteers as districts 1 and 2.

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