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I woke up and got dressed into a pretty floral dress and I pulled my hair in a ponytail. I put on the necklace Jade gave me the night before the reaping. It was a locket that had a family picture in it.

I walked out to breakfast and sat down next to Max. Katniss was sitting across from me.

"So how are you going to start the plan?" I whispered to Katniss.

"Today while you are getting ready for the parade I'm going to talk to the mentors. I know some of them being a victor, but some I don't know. Hopefully I can convince them all to join," she said, a little louder than me.

We all quieted down as Effie walked in, because we knew with her big mouth, our plan wouldn't stay a secret for long.

We all sat and ate while Effie gossiped about the other escorts. Katniss, Peeta, Max, and I kept exchanging annoyed looks. Effie sure was a talker. She never shuts up.

After 15 long minutes of Effie talking, we arrived at the capitol. Max and I stared at it with awe. We went into a tunnel and came out in a train station with tons of capitol people waiting. They were dressed even worse than Effie. Some had purple or green skin, or even rainbow hair. They were all crazy.

Max and I got taken away to get made over. My prep team did stuff like pluck the hairs from my skin (which hurt) and even from my eyebrows. They washed me down until finally my stylist Viell came in. He dressed me in a long black dress with sequins and feathers that like every year, would light up in flames. My hair was down and curled with some pieces in the front braided to the back and my makeup was black sparkly eyeshadow and deep red lipstick.

I met Max by our chariot. He was dressed in a black shirt made of feathers and black pants.

Katniss finally came over to us from talking to a few mentors.

"I talked to all of the mentors, and all of them think it's a good plan and are going to tell their tributes tonight and you guys will have a meeting in the district 12 apartment after your first day of training tomorrow," she said with a big smile

"Great!" I said, smiling.

Max and I got on our chariot and rode out holding hands and smiling at the crowd as our outfits lit up. The crowd went wild.

After the parade, we went to our apartment on the 12th floor. We ate then decided to go to bed early, so we had plenty of rest before training tomorrow.

I fell asleep excited about our plan


I woke up early and got ready as fast as I could, ordering breakfast to my room. I scarfed down my bagel and toast and ordered some fruit.

After a little bit, Max and I headed down to training.

When we walked in, a few of the tributes looked at us and smiled, so I knew they were in on the plan.

I headed to the climbing station first, and after a while, I headed for the knife throwing station. I was good at archery but Katniss said not to go to that station, and to save it for the evaluations.

After hours or training, we all headed to our apartment. During training, I learned how to identify berries and how to make a fire.

So far, all of the tributes seemed to be in on the plan, as all of them came.

"Ok, so who all knows about our plan?" I asked after everybody gathered in the living room.

Almost everybody raised their hand.

"I'll explain it again," I said, "so Max and I made up a plan to get most of us out. So when the games start, none of us kill, we all walk to the cornucopia and wait for as long as we can. Eventually, the games will have gone on too long and they'll have to let us out. And that could lead to another rebellion that can end the games forever. So who's in?"

Everybody raised their hand and nodded.

Everybody was in.


The next morning in training, we all gathered in small groups to keep the gamemakers from getting suspicious. We decided to train with whoever was our age and gender. We all decided to mainly focus on the survival skills, but do a few with weapons just in case if there are mutts or if anybody withdrawals from the plan.

Me, Pepper, and Aria worked on identifying berries and nuts. We were the only three 16 year old girls.

"Ok, so nightlock is the most poisonous, and is dark blue, right?" Pepper asked.

"Yes. I know because of my mentor Katniss' games," I said

"Oh yeah, that's right," Pepper said.

After a while, we decided to try some weapons.

"So, what all can you use?" Aria asked.

"I'm good with a bow and arrow, but I want to wait and show the gamemakers that during the evaluations," I told her.

"Ok, but can you teach me archery? I can teach you how to throw knives," Aria said.

"Yeah, and if you two teach me your weapon, I'll teach you how to throw a spear," said Pepper excitedly.

"Ok great!" I said.

First, Aria taught both of us how to throw knives, which we both caught on to really fast. We both mostly hit the targets right on.

Next I taught them archery.

"Remember to stand sideways and pull your knuckle to your cheek," I said.

They both shot at the same time and almost got the target. We were all fast learners.

Pepper then taught us how to throw spears.

I was fairly good, I got it on the target once, but even hitting anywhere is good if it means slowing the animal or person down.

The last station we went to for the day was the climbing station. We took turns climbing trees and timing eachother and then would climb together and see if we could all get up in time.

We also climbed some rope ladders and went through some obstacle courses.

Training was over for the day.
Tomorrow was the evaluations.


Again, if you are reading this, thank you so much and keep reading.

Please go check out my other books:
The 3rd Quarter Quell ~ Prim
Goodbye for Now

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