Chapter 14: Secret Hideout

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Sabrina's POV

"I hate planes."

"Sabrina it's not that bad." Carmen says eating some candy.

"Nevermind. I'm just wondering why we have to go into witness protection."

I was disturbed at how we have to leave. If I wanted to face my battles I could have stayed in my home.This private plane Grayson's father owns was quite nice. But after the stunt Tasha and Chrissy pulled...I'd rather be in a plane flying off to some place I dont know.

"It's for our own sake."

"Carmen, your'e just ecstatic because Charlie is coming." I close my eyes trying to get rid of the feeling of flying.

"You know we can hear you talking about me!" Charlie yells from the front of the plane.

"Shut up." Carmen and I say at the same time.

He throws his hands up in surrender and I smile in satisfaction. I take out my phone and try to go on Instagram when it was snatched out of my hands.

"What the hell was that for?!" I look over to Grayson as he holds my phone in his pale hands.

"Why didn't you tell me you had a phone?"

"I didin't feel the need to."

He walks to the planes closet and takes out a hammer. I watch as he smashes my phone into a million pieces. Everything I had was on that phone.

"They could have been tracking us you know."

"Why didn't you say that nefore we got on the plane?" I roll my eyes and sit deeper into the comfortable seat.


I feel the plane land and I sigh. Finally we are on the ground and not in the air. The pilot opens the doors and we exit. A car for us already awaits and we enter. The air is a little cold but it's enough for me to handle.

"So where are we going anyway?" Carmen asks snuggling up to Charlie. I cringe at the couple. I just hope they don't suck each others faces off.

"I forgot what my dad told me but I think it's a relative."

The driver starts to drive and I sit and listen to the radio. I couldn't help but think why did Tasha and Chrissy need to give out my information. Like what could I have done to them.

We enter some deep woods and I know that the house or most likely mansion is far into the woods. This is some Godfather stuff man. Iv'e seen that movie so many times now I practically live it. Finally there is a clearing and the house is big but small.

A small looking woman stands outside the house waiting. She looks a lot like Mr. Glover. That was his mother like he told us. We all get out and the car pulls off.

"Grayson...Charlie look at how big you've gotten!" She squeals in excitement to see her grandsons.

They give the occasional hugs and stuff before walking into the house. I could tell she had already made dinner knowing we were coming.

"Welcome ladies make yourself at home." She says cheerfully.

"Umm excuse me but what should we call you?" Carmen gestures to me and her.

"Ya'll are welcome to call me grandma seeing as though my grandsons favor you. Personally I can already tell you guys are keepers." She winks and walks back into the kitchen.

"That went well." I say before taking my coat off.


"Sabrina I want to show you something." Grayson says coming into the room we have to share.

I get up and follow him to what seems like a basement. The walls are a smokey grey and there's like a mini gym with punching bags and such. Grayson goes below the steps and pushes on one of the concrete blocks.

It moves in and opens a smaller room. I see some guns lined up on the shelve and extra food and water too.

"What am I doing in here?" I ask not wanting to look at guns.

"Listen if something were to happen to me and Charlie I need you to come down here with Carmen. It's for your own safety." He picks up on of the guns.

"What are you doing?" Pictures of the dream I had flashes back.

"I need you to know how to shoot."

I shake my head no. I don't want to kill anybody or shoot anyone. I wouldn't be able to take the guilt. We all know I crack under guilt like a lot.

"When the time comes you'll know how to use it." Grayson puts the shiny object back and walks out of the room.

I follow and the door closes. This is the new secret hideout and I wonder if there is anymore in this house. There probably is but all I want to do is sleep and not worry about tomorrow.


Sorry for the short chapter plus mistakes.

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