Chapter 19: High Flow

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Grayson's POV

I watch as she walks to the bathroom. I can see the tears in her eyes. The hurt fills her brown eyes and I can't help but feel bad.

I walk back into the cafeteria and sit at the table. Max seemed to notice my problem I guess you could say.

"Grayson are you okay?" He asks causing the attention to go on me.

"Yeah I just need some weed." I say in all honesty.

The only time I smoke is if I need to get my mind off something. That thing is Sabrina. She's all I think about at night and when I wake up. My eyes drift back to her table and notice she's not back yet.

"You know I got the plug." Tristan says going into his book bag.

I get out the money needed and hand it to him. The green plant is in my hands in a dime bag. I can't wait to get home and smoke this on my roof.


I walk into the house and hear laughter. My dad and Tony walk in with a football. My dad hasn't really spent a lot of quality time with us.

"You wanna come play some football with us?" He asks tossing the ball back and forth between his hands.

"I actually don't feel that good. " I walk into my plain room and lock the door.

I open my unlocked window and use my upper body strength to get on the roof. A car engine is heard from below. Val get's out and walks into my house.

The roof door is opened and he sits beside me. I begin to roll up my weed and light it. He watches my movements to figure out why i'm smoking.

"It's Sabrina isn't it?" He asks already knowing the answer.

"Yes. She's been making me feel so dazed." That statement came out more like a question.

I bring the joint to my lips and take a long drag. The toxic drug clings to my lungs as I cough. That was some good shit. I begin to feel lighter.

"I think you love her grayson." Val says as I laugh from the high.

"I always think about her. From the time I wake up to the time I go to sleep."

"Then be with her."

I shake my head and take another long drag. I finish the joint within minutes and I slouching over. My mind is clear but the thought of her still remains.

I feel Val pick up my tired body and carry me into the house. He drops me onto my bed and I instantly fall asleep.

I wake up and check the time. It's almost two in the morning. I walk into my bathroom and use the toilet. My face appears in the mirror as I wash my hands.

My eyes are blood shot red and my throat is dry. I even think I have the munchies but i'm just to tired to do anything.

"How did I even get in here?" I ask myself as I take a shower.

The hot water makes me feel even more tired. Finally the thought of Sabrina pops up. I try to shake the thought away but I can't.

I step out and dry off. I put on my boxers and get into bed. My hand is now grabbing my phone looking at her number.

"Should I call her?" My thumb presses the call button and the rings fill my ears.

"Hello?" I smile as I hear her voice.

"I...I just needed to hear your voice." I say as she gasps.

I hear the flatline and I know she hung up. It was good to hear her soft sweet voice again. I tuned over and went back to sleep probably dreaming of her.


Just a short chapter for yall in Grayson's point of view.

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