Chapter 18: Back To School

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Sabrina's POV

I look at the school building from afar. Its been a week since me and Grayson last kissed. The problem is he hasn't been in contact with me since the kiss. I huff then walk towards the entrance. The conversation around me still swarms.

I wasn't expecting so many looks. Sorry looks from people that I don't even know but I kept my head up and went to my locker. Tasha met me there. She knows i'm still getting used to this stuff after three months.

"So what happened after your date?" She asked nudging my shoulder.

"We kissed but i'm pissed at him right now." I walk into the homeroom class and meet with Mrs. Peck.

"Hey Mrs.Peck." I say and she turns around and smiles.

"Sabrina i'm so glad your back. Give me a hug." Since it was just me and her inside the classroom I was able to hug her.


"Girl he's been staring at you for the past twenty minutes." Chrissy says as she puts her magazine down.

"Okay. If he wants to talk me I'll be over here." I say eating my salad.

"He looks like he's dying over there." Tasha adds.

"I read this in a wattpad book. The girl walks out the cafeteria and the bad boy follows."

I take the hint that I should get up and I walk out of the cafeteria. I make it out of the double doors when they are opened again. I can see Grayson make his way out and look at me.

"You've got a lot of explaining to do." I say leaning against the wall.

"Look i'm sorry I just kissed you and didn't text you or call you. I was thinking." He explains looking at the white floors.

"Thinking about what?" I ask as my heart speeds up and I try to breath thinking about the bad he's going to say.

He runs his pale hands through his dark hair and I could tell he was about to say something serious.

"I don't think we should be together." My heart drops to the pit of my stomach.

I nod my head and begin to walk to the bathroom. I feel his hand on my arm trying to talk about it. I close my eyes trying to hold in my tears.

"I can explain."

"No you can't. You said you don't want a relationship and I respect that."

"It's hurting you that we aren't together doesn't it?"

I get out of his grip and enter the bathroom. I slam the stall door shut and lock it. My freshly flat ironed hair sticks to my face as I let the silent tears go. I hear the door open and I can see the footsteps at the stall door.

"Whoever you are, go away." I sniffle.

"It's Carmen. Just open up." I open the door and she engulfs me into a hug.

"I don't even know why i'm crying over a boy." I wipe my tears laughing.


I make my way home on the bus. I see my little brick house and I smile in satisfaction. My eyes are still a little puffy from earlier.

"Hey suga." My Grandma says from the living room with her friend.

"Hey. I'll make dinner tonight." I was about to walk upstairs when she called me back down.

"What's the matter?" My face drains of color and I felt like crying again.

"It's just boy problems."

I go upstairs to my room and lay on my bed. A sigh leaves my mouth and I can't help but wonder why he did what he did.


This is just a filler chapter.

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