Chapter 25: Surprise

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Sabrina's POV

Today we would chill inside the house. I wake up and look at my phone to see no response from Grayson. At this point I don't even care about the situation.

I get up and do my hygiene and slip on some shorts and a purple tank top. Everyone is still sleep but I get up and go to the kitchen. I see a waffle maker and waffle mix so I begin to make waffles.My phone rings and I see a facetime request.

I answer and wait for it to connect. Grayson's face pops up on the screen and my mood brightens up at the sight of him.

"Hey babe!" He says playing his video game.

"I'm not your girlfriend...yet?" I say with a small smile.

"What are you doing?" Grayson completely ignores my statement.

"Making waffles." I say pouring the mix into the iron.

I set the phone down so he can still see me and I go get some bacon and eggs out the refrigerator. I move the items to the stove and turn it on.

"Did I do something wrong?" He asks looking into the camera.

I study his features getting lost into his eyes once again. His hair is brushed back into a style and his face is clear of blemishes.

"No...Plus I can never stay mad at you." I say taking the fully cooked waffles and putting them on a plate.

He smiles and returns to playing his game. I continue to cook for me for a few minutes. Now I have a plate full of waffles, bacon, and eggs. I take the maple syrup and put it on the waffles.

"That looks good." Grayson says looking at me with a forkful of food.

"Shut up. If you're hungry go make some food." I say eating.

"You know I can't cook." I roll my eyes and continue eating.

Sooner or later i'm finished eating and talking with Grayson. I see Tasha come downstairs looking like she hasn't slept in weeks.

"Did you make me some food?" She asks with her eyes half closed.

"No." I say and she sucks her teeth.


"I have to go." I say after an hour of talking with grayson.

"Why? I have no one to talk to." He whines and pouts his lips.

"You have Val, Tristan, Max...should I go on?" I wave and hang up in his face.

I plug my phone up and go meet the girls downstairs. They see me and go back to what they stop talking.

"What's going on?" I ask sitting next to Chrissy.

"Nothing much just talking to our parents." I nod but still have a feeling they weren't talking to them.

[Time Skip]

We were watching some scary movie that I forgot the name of. I think its Jeepers Creepers...maybe...yeah thats the name. The door bell rings and Tasha jumps from being scared.

"I think thats the pizza. Sabrina could you go answer the door." Carmen says looking at the tv.

"Oh right send me to get killed first." I say sarcastically.

I walk to the front door and open it reveling a pizza guy. He has three pizzas in his hand and a visor is covering his face.

"Delivery for Sabrina." He looks at me and I realize it's Grayson.

The lights turn on behind me and I hear the girls yell "Surprise!" and I jump from hearing them yell.

"W-What how did this even happen?" I ask as Tasha takes the pizza from Grayson and the girls walk to the living room leaving us alone.

"Just give me a hug." Grayson says engulfing me into his warm body.

I inhale his scent and that sends me into over drive. We stand like this in a hug for over a minute. He lets go pecks my cheek.

"What happened to the pizza?" He asks stepping inside the house and I laugh.


Sorry for mistakes and errors

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