//Chapter 2//

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I wake up in a room I don't know, I guess I'm still in hospital. My head hurts a lot and my left hand too. I look around as a nurse comes in.

'I see you're awake. How do you feel?', the woman asks me.

'My head and left hand hurt a lot. What happened?', I ask my voice cracky.

'You pasted out 30 minutes ago. I guess it's just all too much for you today. But let me have a look at your hand!'.

She walks over to me and looks at my hand. As she wants to move it I scream. Wow that hurts.

'I can't see any injures but if you want to I can give you something against the pain.', the nurse says.

I nod and the nurse gives me some medicament.

After the pain left, I stand up and walk back to Hanna's room. There are some nurses and a Doctor around her bed talking.

'What is going on here?', I ask my voice shaking. I'm scared that they would say something like she's dead or something like that.

'I guess you're Emma, right?', the doctor asks me. He smiles at me but I can see the sadness in his eyes.

I nod and walk towards the bed. 'What is your plan? I wanna know what you will do with her!', I tell them. I have the right to know everything as I am the only one who cares.

'We will look after her, don't worry. It's going to be ok but you have to accept the thought of her dying. We can't make any promises this big. I'm sorry.', the man says.

I only nod. I don't wanna think about what will happen when she's dead? I don't wanna know what will happen to me. And especially to her! I can't pay a funeral and her parents probably won't care. It makes me so freaking sad that they won't ever care about their daughter dead. They're probably happy.

'If you want to, you can talk to her and hold her hand. She may seems feel less but sometimes it works and she will press your hand or smile.', the nurse says to me when she leaves.

I sit next to the bed and hold Hanna's hand.

'Oh Hanna. I am so sorry that this happened to you! I know it's not my fault but still...', I look down on her pail face. She looks so... Dead. No emotions, no expression on her face. It hurts to see her like this. I could cry right now. But I have to stay strong for the both of us.

It makes me so sad to know that she may die without living her dream. Without meeting her biggest idols. Without being freaking happy because of 5 boys. I know it sounds weird that I'm only thinking about this at the moment but it's the only thing she wants to do before she dies. She told me once about this and I told her that this wish will come true. I promised her! If she'll die now I broke the promise! I've never broken a promise. I have to make a plan about how she can meet One Direction before she dies. I still won't believe that she dies maybe but as the doctor told me... I have to accept it.

'Hey Hanna! I hope you can hear me. Remember when I promised you to meet One Direction? I'll keep the promise! I won't break it! I just have to think about a plan... I hope you make the right decision and stay with me! I can't live without you! I'm so alone without you! And so are you without me. Please don't leave me!', I literally yell the last sentence between sobs.

I stand up and leave the room. I tell the nurse that I'll come tomorrow again with some pictures and things Hanna loves. I hope she'll feel that I'm with her.

I walk back to the tube station and go home. When I am in our flat, I turn the Tv on.

'One Direction is in London again! Yes you heard me! The 5 boys just came back from their 4 months long tour in Asia only to give a concert in London. They said that they've missed their home city and that there will be a meet and greet for special fans. Yes that's right! They'll have a meet and greet! Go to our homepage and find out how to win the tickets for the m&g! Good luck!', a woman says.

That's it! That's the plan! I turn my laptop on and go to the homepage of the tv show. I search the description for the meet and greet competition. It says that you have to write an email to the boys where you explain why you want to meet them.

I open my email account and start writing the letter.

'Hey boys.
I would like to meet you in London because I need your help! I know that probably every fan says that but you have to know that I'm not one of hose fangirls. I need your help to wake my best friend Hanna from her coma up. She is the girl who got caught by a train and she's now in a coma. It was her biggest dream to meet you but the doctors said that she probably won't stay alive, so I thought that maybe when she meets you or at least is in a room with you together, she will wake up again. I hope that you understand what I mean and I hope that you believe me, because this isn't a topic you should lie about. Thank you for reading anyway! <3

I send the letter and turn the laptop off. I look at the clock, it is already 8pm. I realize that I haven't eaten anything today, only breakfast. I go to the fridge and get a yogurt. I know it's not really food for dinner but I'm not that hungry.

At 9pm I go to bed. I was exhausted. That's all too much for me. I try to delete the thoughts and imagines in my head but it doesn't stop. I can't think straight. I start to play some music from my phone. I decide to listen to One Direction so that if I'll meet them I would know some songs. Also I goggle them and find out that they are very friendly good looking boys. They are all over 20 years but they still behave like 5 old boys. I laugh at some videos on YouTube. These boys make me happy. And it makes me happy that probably Hanna would love me for doing this. What am I saying?! She loves me for this! She's still alive! There is still hope! Right?

After some minutes I drift off to sleep.

In my dream appears Hanna and One Direction. We meet them at a concert and become friends. Best friends. We live together with them and go on tour with them. The dream is pretty amazing. But it makes me sad that it probably won't ever happen. But who knows?! Sometimes there are good surprises and bad surprises in your life and most of the time you don't expect them. So you have to be prepared for the worst and for the best. But I'm most of the time prepared for the best and not for the worst. And this sucks.

I stop my thoughts in my dream and continue with the actually dream. That's when I realize in my dream that Hanna will stay in my life forever! Also when she's dead or not! She'll always be in my heart! But I still won't give up! I'll get her back to life! I believe in this!
Hey guys! <3
Finally I have the next chapter ready for you. Only 7 people read my story so far but I hope that these 7 people like my story. Let me know your opinion and thoughts!
Thanks for reading! <3
~Emely <3

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