//Chapter 4//

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I open my eyes when the sun shines into my room. I look at my phone and see that it's only 7am. Normally I would sleep until 10am on a Sunday but I can't stay in bed any longer. I stand up and change into blue skinny jeans and a black oversize jumper. I always imagine that my jumpers are from my boyfriend, I don't have. I don't know why but I love the idea of wearing the way too big jumpers of my boyfriend.

I put my hair into a messy bun and make my makeup. Just like everyday only a bit concealer and rouge. I put my adidas superstars on and take my purse, phone and jacket. I walk out of the flat and head to Starbucks to get something for breakfast.

I get a chai latte and a chocolate muffin. Hanna and I always ate here for breakfast before school. It's just so much easier than doing it yourself.

I walk to Hyde park to take a walk. I always do this. I can get out of my thoughts and calm down.

I sit down on a bench in the middle of the park. Oh how I missed this. It's a long time ago I was here. I close my eyes and take some deep breaths. This really helps to get off my thoughts.

Suddenly I feel someone sitting next to me. I open my eyes again and look to my left. There sits a boy around my age and he looks kinda cute. His hair is brown and he has brown eyes. But his facial expression is sad. He looks over to me. I smile a little, don't know what to say.

'Hey, you're okay?', he asks me. His voice isn't that deep as I expected.

'Hey. No I'm not that fine but it's okay. You?', I ask my voice a bit shaky. I'm always shy and quiet around people I don't know.

'Yea I'm okay, just a bit sad. Why aren't you feeling that well? You wanna talk about it?', he asks looking into my eyes and smiling slightly.

I don't know if I want to talk about it. I mean I only know him for two seconds. I don't even know his name. But I think he only wants to talk to someone as he looks sad.

'I'm Emma by the way, but you can call me Em.', I say smiling and reaching after his hand.

'I'm Gordon! Nice to meet you Em!', he says shaking my hand.

I blush slightly when our hands touch. Gosh why the hell am I blushing? He's just a boy. Calm down Em!

'Well I don't want you to feel bad for me but I really need someone to talk about this.'. I look down on my shoes.

'That's okay. I'll listen.', Gordon says rubbing my back.

I kinda jump because of his touch. I really have to calm down.

'My best friend Hanna is in hospital. She got caught by a train few days ago and she's in a coma now. The doctor said that it's a miracle that she's still alive. I can't live without her! She's the only person I have! Our parents don't care about us, so they kinda sent us to London alone when we were 13 years old. Since then we didn't hear anything of them. They only pay for the flat and food. But that's all they do for us. I bet they won't even be slightly sad if Hanna dies. I just can't imagine living without her. I have no one left. I'm totally alone without her. She can't leave! She can't die!', I say.

Gordon comes closer to me and hugs me. That's when I realize that I'm crying.

'I'm so sorry Em! No one should go through something like this alone! I'll be there if you need someone to talk. I know we just met but I can help you going through this! I know how you're feeling right now! Today two years ago I lost my whole family. We wanted to go on holiday. I sat in the car with my two sisters, my dad and my mum when a car crashed into us. They were all dead in a second. Only me survived. I can't explain how much I wished I would be dead and they all would be alive, but then I imagined what my parents would say when I would have killed myself. They were always proud of me. I couldn't do that to them. So I stayed strong for all the four! And now I'm here! Totally alone, living alone in a flat. I still go to school but I don't know how to earn money for the flat and stuff. My grandma always sent me money but she died few days ago.', Gordon says still hugging me.

I let go and look into his brown eyes. I'm shocked. How can he stay this strong? How can he do all this?

'I'm so sorry Gordon! I think we kinda have the same life. But I can't stay as strong as you are. I just can't do it. My whole world broke down when I heard about Hanna. I just can't handle all this.', I cry.

Gordon hugs me again. I bury my face into his chest. It feels good. I know we just met but I kinda feel safe in his arms. It feels like I can trust him. We're both alone. Maybe we should get friends. I always dreamt of a boy as my friend.

'It's okay! We can do this together ok? We can stay strong together! You heard me?!', he says.

I can hear that he is crying too. I hold on him tightly, still hugging him. Tears stream down my face. I try to hold back the sobs but I can't! I can't hold back my emotions any longer! I start sobbing really hard and crying.

'Hey! Don't cry! It's going to be okay! Hanna won't leave you! She'll always be with you! At least in your heart! She'll always be by your side! Also when you won't see her, she'll always be next to you! She know that you need her and she needs you!', Gordon says.

I look into his gorgeous brown eyes. He's right. He's totally right. Hanna won't ever leave me. She'll always be with me. And that's when I realize that I have to let go. I don't want to, but if I have to let her go, I'm ready for it. She won't ever leave me! She will always be next to me!

I calm down and look at Gordon again.
'Thank you so much for listening to me! It means a lot to me! Thank you for being there for me although we barely met!...... We should stay in contact. Can I have your number?', I ask.

'No problem love. Yea that would be great! Here is my number! Just call me when you feel lonely and need someone to talk.', he says handing me a piece of paper with his number.

We say our goodbyes and I go back home. I look at my watch. It's already 9am, I should go to the hospital.

(Gordon's POV)
Woah what was that? I'm surprised that I told her about my whole life. I've never done that. But when she told me about her life I kinda trusted her.

She looked so gorgeous. Her hair was blond and her eyes a mixture of green and grey. She was really skinny. She was so friendly and trustful. I hope she'll call me soon.

Sooooo here is a new chapter! What do you think about it?
I know I wanted to bring 1D in this chapter but I thought it would be better to bring Gordon first! ;)
What do you think about Em and Gordon's meeting? Will she call him back?
Read my story and find out;)
Thanks for reading and please vote.
~Emely <3

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