Chapter one - Twins?

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'Shit.' I mutter as I spot one of the members of the gang across the street.

I quickly dive behind a garden wall and wait for him to walk away, but he doesn't. 

'Shit shit shit shit. Shit!'

I curse over and over trying to think of a way out. I look around trying to find a way. Then I spot it. There is a small blue skateboard lying on the garden path. Yes. I grab the skateboard and take off along the street. Then I hear him shouting after me. I don't turn around to look though I just keep on skating as fast as I can and round the corner. I keep on going, turning corners along streets until I am pretty sure I've lost him. I come to a stop next to a small corner shop and go inside to buy a bottle of water. 

Outside the shop I sit down on a bench and gulp down half of the bottle, I shove it in my backpack and look down at the small skateboard. I should probably return that. But I'll wait until later. I get up and head back to my apartment.

Later that evening I return to the house that I borrowed the board from. I plan on just leaving it in the garden and hope they don't notice but when I draw up to the house I see a guy around my age standing on the path. I freeze with the board in my hand. He looks up at me and his eyes divert to the board. 

"Hey, is that my penny?" 

His penny? What the skateboard? I hold up the board, "this?" 

He nods. 

"Eh, yeah I sort of borrowed it earlier. Sorry." 

I hand it over to him. He smiles, and his smile is a genuine smile. The type of smile that could make you melt.

"No harm done though. You brought it back which is good of you, I'm sure most people wouldn't. I'm Finn by the way." He holds his hand out for me to shake. I take it. 

"I'm Cat." 

"Like the animal?" He chuckles and makes a 'meaow' noise.

"Yeah, it's short for Catherine but I hate that name. Only my nan ever called me that." I shrug.

"Heh, I like Cat. I'm sorry where are my manners, would you like to come in?" He motions to the door.

"That's okay." I say and smile. I start to take a step back but he grabs hold of my hand.

"No really, I'd like to get to know you a bit." I sigh and start to walk towards the house. I can feel him smiling behind me.

It is a rather nice house indeed. I follow Finn into a large kitchen with a breakfast bar in the centre. I perch on one of the stools and he sits across from me. 

"So do you live here with your family?" I ask as I spy the pictures of two smiling boys and a girl with a man and woman. 

"Yeah, my brother Jack, sister Emmy and parents but its just me and Jack right now as my mum, dad and Emmy are away for two months on a cruise this summer." I raise my eye brows impressed. "Lots of house party's then eh?" He chuckles and gets up and goes to a cupboard. He retrieves a packet of ginger biscuits. 

"My favourite." He says as he sits back down. He opens the packet and I take a biscuit. 

"So is your brother around?" I ask before taking a bite. 

"He should be in. I'll check if he's upstairs." He takes his phone out his pocket and starts typing, I'm guessing to text his brother. How lazy. He could just use his legs. 

I cock my head to the side and study his facial features. Finn is rather attractive with beautiful emerald eyes and a chiseled jaw line. His hair is perfectly styled into a sort of quiff.

"Mmm." He says with a mouthful of ginger biscuit. He swallows and speaks, "he says he's in his room. Wanna meet him?" I nod and we get up and I make my way upstairs with the boy I barely know.

At the top of the stairs Finn knocks on a door. I hear a voice answer from the other side. Finn enters the room and I follow him. 

"Hey Jackamo, got someone for you to meet." The other boy spins around in his chair and I am met with a face which is identical to Finn.


Part of my life - A Finn Harries fanficWhere stories live. Discover now