Chanyeol (ft. Sehun)

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"Sehun-ah wait for me! I'm sorry, okay? I didn't mean to cause such trouble."

"That's why you should always watch your actions."

"But she deserves it, don't you think?"

"Yah! Who gave you the right to meddle with our relationship? Who do you think you are anyway?"

"I'm your best friend, remember? I slapped that bitch because she cheated on you!!"

"Call her a bitch one more time and I'll forget that we are friends."


"I'll ask you this one more time.... Stop interfering in our relationship."


He left me there, dazed...

He walked away without even looking back.


I let him be. I somehow wish they're back together although my heart aches at that thought. I know he's fine, 'cause as long as he's with her, he's happy. Maybe it's better this way. I no longer have to be a third wheel. 

Like any other typical day, I went to work, had lunch with some friend, went back to work after until it's time to go. I grabbed a dinner at a Chinese fast food chain to take home and went to the Bubble Tea shop where I frequent and got a drink. I walked out of the shop happily with my fave drink at hand. But my oh-so-happy-day seems to end here when a guy bumped into me and made me drop my bubble tea........ My precious bubble tea... TT-TT Lucky enough it didn't spill on any of our clothes. I just stood there staring at my now spilled drink.

"Are you okay? I'm really sorry for your drink. I didn't mean to bump into you."

"Eo." is all I can say. I was still staring at my drink with dismay. *sigh* what a waste...

"Don't worry, I'll replace your drink."

"Ani, no need. Gwaenchana, jinjja gwaenchana." I averted my attention to him.

"No I insist." He said, almost dragging me into the shop.

"May I take your order ma'am, sir?"

"What's yours?" he asked without even looking at me, how rude.

"Taro bubble tea please."

"Make that two."

After we got our orders that he paid for, we went out of the shop.

"Thank you for replacing my drink tho you didn't really have to."

"Yeah." he looked at me with a smile plastered on his face. I think I prefer if he just talks without looking at me, 'cause his smile, it can make anyone fall.

"it was nice knowing you _____." he then lend his hand.

"How did you know my name?" I asked him full of curiosity.

"Well, it was boldly written on your cup earlier, wasn't it?"

"Aaaaah, ne. It was nice knowing you too......?"

"Chanyeol, Park Chanyeol." I then shooked his hand

"I think I need to go now. I still have some work needed to be finished so...." i said as I took my hand away from his."

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