Lie Ability (Episode 16 I THINK)

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So I'm starting with this one because THERE WAS SO MUCH STUFF IN IT. It won't go in order because I can't remember THE EXACT ORDER 😂 excuse my spelling mistakes too I got excited

Okay so for the new people...I AM A HARD CORE STYDIA SHIPPER. THEY'RE MY OTP. So this episode...omg I was shaking when it was finished. So if you don't ship Stydia you might not want to read this part

First of all, I don't really necessarily understand the point of Parrish coming to save Lydia when Stiles already did it but I mean they didn't know. (I have to admit I was pretty angry when Parrish carried her out instead of Parrish 😂😂)

SOOOOO when they were in the car together oml oml this is getting me pumped thinking about it but I THOUGHT THEY WEFE FONNA KISS. Omg I thought it was gonna be like when she said, "Stiles think about something else," and then she kissed him. Like they were so close to KISSINF but then his ears just HAD to bleed. But honestly, I'd rather have Lydia and Stiles have a moment together or look at each other in a certain way instead of them making out ya know what I'm saying? (I mean it would be nice but)

And then wen she said, "Stiles saved me" BOOM THAT WAS MY BRAIN EXPLODING. I stood up and I was so excited. Because I don't think she was just talking about from Eichen. I think she was talking about in general. He saved her. He was always sweet to her and always loyal, HE was the one that knew she was smart. And that literally destroyed my heart.

ALSO thanks JEFF because I literally had a heart attack that my favorite character was gonna die. I THOUGHT LYDIA WAS DEAD. I honestly thought it was gonna be one of those cliche moments where Stiles will finally admit his love and then she would wake up BUT IT WOULD HAVE BEEN GOOD CLICHE I WOULD HAVE LOVED THAT DONT GET NE WRONG.

And when she woke up and Stiles helped her up everyone in the room looked at each other. They know how Stiles feels.

And "Lydia shut up and let me save your life" OML I LOVE IT I LOVE IT I LOVE IT.

OKAY enough with my Stydia rant!

So originally I wasn't crazy about Malia (no not because I ship Stydia) because I didn't think they developed her character enough.

But honestly now that her and Stiles broke up I actually really like her. She has more personality now and development and I can tell she's gonna be a great character. Which goes to show that not ALL characters have to have a boyfriend on teen wolf.

SPEAKING of Malia I totally ship Matheo. As much as I hate Theo oml they would be perfect. But I also really ship Malira (even though I ship Scira OKAY) i loved Allydia's friendship so much but I feel like Malia and Kira are slowly becoming best friends like them.

Okay now I'm gonna go on a big rant (like I wasn't already)

I honestly hate Layden. In my opinion, I don't think they're right for each other. I love Liam. But oh my gosh I honestly can't stand Hayden. She's my least favorite character honestly 😂 but I haven't really met a person that thinks that also lol.

I get it, they're like a young Scallison. That's cute. But I sort of feel like they added Hayden so that Liam has a girlfriend. I know that's not true of course but still. I honestly think Hayden is a total brat. THERE I SAID IT. So I did not appreciate the Layden scene in that episode tbh 😂

Also, this is random but I love Corey HES SUCH A CINNAMON BUN OMG

Okay now predictions.

I think the beast is Mason. Iv been thinking that the moment they brought up the Beast and said it was a regular teen. Now I LOVE Mason he's one of my favorites. I think he's such a great character and him and Liam have an AMAZING friendship like Sciles. But I mean COME ON. He's like the only character that's human and hasn't at least once been a supernatural creature.

But omg imagine if it was like Isaac or Derek or somebonf I would die I wish they would come back

I loved Allison and all (sometimes) but I feel like her death was such a big thing they can't forget that and just throw it away. I would love it if she was still a character but it was such a powerful scene and all.

SO THATS IT. I'm not sure if anyone even read this whole thing but if you did I APPLAUD YOU. Like I said, feel free to say your opinions and predictions because I wanna hear what you guys think and feel!!! ~Olivia ❤️

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