A Broken Leg and Bad Luck

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*drip drip...drip*
"Just as I thought it can't get any worse, Thunder." Naruto complained limping alone through the forest returning from his previous mission. All had gone well, except for the fact that Bishimi, the enemy he had been battling with had nearly snapped his leg in half but, in the end the mission had been successful. The clouds began to darken as they rolled in, covering the night sky. It was dark, cold and, the pain was almost unbearable .
"Ah-Ah-ACHOO!" The blonde sneezed into the chilled and gloomy air he was also beginning to get a cold.
"Dammit! Naruto this is not the time I have to get back!" He growled under his breath.
"But at this rate..." He lifted his foot off the wet, muddy ground observing the chances of him slipping with a broken leg.
"I guess I will have to wait for the storm to pass." He groaned he needed somewhere to rest he stared up into the oakwood trees questioning himself how he was to climb up there with his injury.
Maybe if I use my arms?...
No, that wouldn't work I can't reach it the branches without jumping.
So I would need something to hoist me up so I could reach, like a rope.
But I don't have a rope...
"UUUUGGHHH Why'd stupid Bishimi have to go and break my leg!" The blue eyed boy shouted punching a nearby tree.
So what could I use?
What's rope even made out of?
I should know this I learned this with Iruka-sensei... Right?
I think he said something about it being wood.
Wood?! Naruto your crazy ropes not made out of wood! Its more like
Okay Ill use my shirt then. Now how do you make rope?
Okay don't know that either I could just use my shirt then.
He unzipped his orange and black jacket revealing his black shirt the wet rain soaked his clothes making his jacket fairly heavy.
He threw the jacket over the tree branch above him holding onto both of the arms on each side. He lifted himself off the ground and swung himself over onto the branch
"This is high enough." He informed himself leaving the jacket there to hang while he removed his black shirt ringing it out onto the dirt below, his toned muscles sculping perfectly into every movement he made.
"I wish I'd brought someone along I guess Grandma Tsunade was right." He sighed.
Rain pattered against the dirt seemingly getting more intense by the second. The blonde stared into the gray night sky closing his eyes dulling out the sound and situation before falling asleep.

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